The stop -operated Taiwan Nuclear Third Factory No. 1 machine has been removed in accordance with the law, but the latest polls in Taiwan show that more than 60 % of the people support the revision of the law to extend the use period of nuclear power plants.

Zhongshi News Network reported that Taiwan ’s long -term tracking of public opinion Meilimao Electronics News on Monday (July 29) announced the results of the polls showing whether the Legislative Yuan had to revise the law to extend the use period of nuclear power plants, as high as 64.1%Of the people interviewed said it was necessary, 21.6%thought it was unnecessary, and the rest did not answer clearly.

cross -analysis shows that 65%of the pan -blue people and the people's party branch holders support the revision of the law; among the neutral people, 59.3%believe that it is necessary to amend the law and 22.1%.The necessary amendments and 35.8%are considered unnecessary, of which 42.9%of the DPP supporters believe that it is necessary to amend the law and 37.4%think it is unnecessary.

The third -core power power plant No. 1 in 40 years of operation has gradually decreased the operating power from mid -June. Last Saturday (27th), it officially stopped and entered the next day.

There are three nuclear power plants in Taiwan, each station, each station, which are located in Jinshan, Guo Sheng and Ma'anshan.The nuclear three factory near Maanshan is currently the only nuclear power plant that operates. After the first aircraft is parked, the operating license of No. 2 machine will also expire in May next year.

According to the current nuclear reactor facilities control method in Taiwan, the long -term period of the nuclear power plant's license is up to 40 years. If it continues to operate at the expiry of the period, it should apply for renewal from the first five to 15 years of the license.license.

The Kuomintang, which advocates the retaining nuclear power generation, premise the amendments to the end of the current legislature, and advocate the cancellation of the operation restrictions of nuclear power plants.Supporters believe that extending the operation period of nuclear power stations will ensure the safety of Taiwan.The Legislative Yuan reviewed the above -mentioned draft amended draft on July 10, but the draft did not pass the preliminary examination due to the failure to reach a consensus on the disposal of nuclear waste.

After the former Tsai Ing -wen in Taiwan came to power in 2016, he promised to achieve a comprehensive nuclear nuclear in 2025.Bloomberg reported that Taiwan's abolition of nuclear actions run counter to the trend of re -interested in nuclear energy in the world.Nuclear energy does not produce or emit greenhouse gases, but the toxic waste produced may remain radioactive within thousands of years.