The Taiwan Strait Exchange Foundation revealed that due to the impact of Typhoon "Ge Mei", the Golden Gate turning off -boat turnover incident, which was originally scheduled to be held on Wednesday (July 24), will be resumed as soon as next week.

Comprehensive reports of the Taiwan China Times United Daily, Luo Wenjia, deputy chairman and secretary general of the Taiwan Sea Foundation, said at a press conference on Friday (26th) that although this week happened to meet the typhoon, Golden Gate made KinmenThe relevant follow -up negotiations of the incident are delayed, but I hope to see the cross -strait controversy caused by any emergencies, and finally end peaceful.

He said, welcome to 100 % goodwill on the other side of the Taiwan side, but emphasized that exchanges on cross -strait exchanges need 100 % goodwill and 100 % actions, and it will require 100 % freedom and democracy.

Luo Wenjia said that the two sides of the strait need a healthy and orderly two -way communication, and the two sides should have goodwill and respect each other.If the prerequisite and conditions and conditions of the exchange are exchanged, it means that the political conditions are the purpose. "I think most Taiwanese people will not accept it."

When asked when the Golden Gate turned over the Kinmen overflow incident on both sides of the strait, Luo Wenjia said that the content of the negotiation cannot be explained, but if it is smooth, there will be conclusions after the business will be discussed next week.

For foreign biography, it will talk about the return of the remains, pensions and other content, Luo Wenjia only said, "It is better to do the details of the negotiations and the negotiation is determined."He mentioned that for the 88th incident of fishermen and Dajin of the Golden Gate, I hope that the spirit of the coordination and mutual trust of the Golden Gate turnover incident on February 14th will come to Taiwan to return to Taiwan safely.

A mainland speedboat drove into the Golden Gate waters on February 14. During the pursuit of the Taiwan Patrol officers, the speedboat turned over the death of the two on board and the two were returned.The two sides of the Taiwan Strait have failed to negotiate for the accident responsibility, compensation and other issues, and the remains of the deceased are still stored in Golden Gate.

The "Consensus" was signed at the Jinmen Jinhu Hotel on Wednesday on Wednesday, but was forced to postpone due to typhoon disruption.Zhu Fenglian, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of Mainland China, expressed his inquiry on the same day that he hoped to negotiate properly and solve related issues. At the same time, he emphasized that only the political foundation of the first China principles and returning to the 1992 consensus will there be no obstacles to the cross -strait dialogue exchanges.