Since Trump dramatically escaped in the shooting on the 13th of this month, the US presidential election ended in advance.The popularity of Trump looked like "lying and winning". By this week, Bayeng announced that he had abandoned the re-election, " Pass the torch to the new generation ", showing the sense of knowledge that knows and retreat.The 59 -year -old Vice President Harris was in battle, which made the November election regenerate a little suspense and wonderful.

The New York Times published a special manuscript on Wednesday (July 24), describing how Harris was stunned, and controlled the Democratic Party within 48 hours of Biden announced its refund.It also quickly raised $ 100 million (S $ 134 million).In fact, after Biden's catastrophic TV debate, The decent changes are anxious . Now there are Harris qualifying. Of course, the Democratic Party and the left -tonged media must quickly build a momentum for her, show unity, and avoid the collapse of the Public House elections held at the same time as the presidential election.

The latest poll shows Harris reduced its support with TrumpGap , she even led in a poll, but according to the US election system, the president is not universal election, and with the full start of the election campaign, Harris's weaknesses will definitely be attacked more violently.Therefore, observers generally believe that it is also a hard battle in front of her.

At this time, the global business community is still preparing for the arrival of Trump 2.0. Individual countries have even entered the emergency model in advance, rushed to China to repair bilateral relations, and for the future risk shelter for global order.

Ukrainian foreign minister Kurieba suddenly visited China on Tuesday , Is the most prominent example.This is the first time that Russia has invaded Ukraine.There was no substantial results in the three -hour talks in Guangzhou. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi described the "conditions and timing of the time and the timing", which was intriguing.What is even more noticeable is that Ukraine President Zelezuski just called with Trump last Friday. After a few days, Kulbaba embarked on the road to visit China, highlighting that Ukraine had been "lost" by Trump for "losing" by Trump.Heart panic, you have to find one more way out.

For Zellennki, Trump returned to the White House, and he may be a nightmare to Ukraine and himself.Trump has repeatedly stated that it is necessary to reduce the military aid Ukraine, and he also claims that the war can be ended within 24 hours. The Basic people of Zelleis have a private grievance with Trump -five years ago, Zelezinsky refused to have Trump’sHe asked for the problem that he was unwilling to investigate the issue of Biden's son at the Ukraine Natural Gas Company.

Except for Ukraine, Canada also assigned a foreign minister to visit China last week , repair the cracks of bilateral relations after the Meng Wanzhou incident.This is the first time that the Foreign Minister of Canada has visited China in the past seven years. It is said that the attitude of Chinese is positive, but Wang Yi also asked Canada to "seriously reflect".

These two international diplomatic trends quietly suggest that compared to Biden, China may hope that Trump is elected.Although Trump said a 60%tariff on China, his campaign partner Wans also claimed that "dislike China", determine that China is the biggest threat to the United States , but Trump's" US priority "unilateralism and recalcularism are likely to bring some diplomatic space to China.

For mainland Chinese netizens, See Trump asking Taiwan to ask Taiwan to pay"Protection fee" , accusing Taiwan from snatched 100%of the chip business in the United States; I saw that Taiwan stocks fell 714.5 billion yuan (NT $ 29.4 billion) within a day, making them very relieved.It is no wonder that the nickname "Chuan founded the country" once again appeared on the mainland Weibo hot search; on the other hand, Taiwan could not say it.

But Beijing's life will not be better, because Trump 2.0 must increase the hostility of China's economic and trade.Even if the tariffs of up to 60%of Chinese goods are not implemented, and then impose other tariffs from each other between China and the United States, a new round of trade war will be ignited./News/China/Story20240717-4288344 "R = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _blank> and accelerate the decoupling of economic and trade relations between China and the United States .Economist Rock described that Trump added tariffs, which is equivalent to using nuclear weapons in international economic relations.

By then, the global industrial chain and supply chain will be forced to reorganize again. There are more than both countries that are affected, but almost all economies in the world.Diversify or transfer the industrial chain.Looking at the prospects of Trump's may come to power, some executives of Chinese technology companies have revealed privately that American customers have informed it in advance that if the industrial chain is not moved out of China, I am afraid that they will no longer cooperate next year.Moreover, entering the Trump 2.0, the sanctions may not be limited to technology products. This will make China the economy that originally underwromed the economy. Other countries with deep economic and trade relations with China are currently nervous.Determine the future.

The more violent economy in the United States may also promote China to emphasize security and tighten control in many aspects.If the domestic economic development is not as good as expected, it can be reasonable on the external world.This is not a good thing for China.

If Trump returns to the White House, he will inevitably stir up the international geopolitical situation in accordance with the style of rational cards and lead to a significant fluctuation of the financial, currency and commodity markets.However, in the international environment of clouds and clouds, China will also have new opportunities to play the role of stabilizer and repair the relationship with the Western world.For example, on the issue of the indicator of the Russia -Ukraine War, Ukraine's foreign minister came to visit. Has China ready to play a greater role in the off -war war?