The party members of the Taiwanese people, Hsinchu Mayor Gao Hong'an, was sentenced to seven years and four months after being suspected of corruption. Gao Hongan said that he would appeal to this verdict and announced that he would immediately withdraw from the Taiwanese party.The Taiwan people's party regretted the verdict, saying that Gao Hongan took the initiative to retreat from the party and will be handled in accordance with regulations.

Comprehensive reports from Taiwan Lianhe Daily and ET News Cloud, Hsinchu Mayor Gao Hongan involved fraud assistance fees during the legislator, and the Taipei District Court sentenced Gao Hong'an to seven months in prison on Friday (July 26).可 Four years of public power can be appealed.Gao Hong'an has been suspended on Friday.

Gao Hong'an did not appear to be interviewed by the media, but released a video response through the secretariat, emphasizing that the judge's judgment result was abandoned from the mainstream of the past case and would definitely appeal.She also announced that she would withdraw from the Taiwan party.

She said in the video, "I also have to tell the people who want to use political malicious operations to attack the people operated by the city government. You will not succeed.Any condition is allowed to hurt the citizen of Hsinchu.

The Taiwan People's Party issued a statement saying that it was a pity that Gao Hong'an's decision was.Regarding Gao Hong'an's retirement party, it stated that Gao Hong'an had announced the initiative to withdraw from the party. The subsequent operations will be handled in accordance with regulations, and it is emphasized that integrity is the basic requirements of politicians.It will also be "always alert to the role of reform, and the inspection and challenges you need to face."

The statement also lists similar cases of the DPP members and legislators, but the judgment is even lighter, saying that "it is obvious to see, it is obvious,The principle of judicial proportion and sentencing standards in Taiwan is different. "