When cross -strait relations are tight, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council of China once again dispatched to the people of Taiwan, emphasizing that the judicial interpretation documents of the punishment of Taiwan ’s independence are only aimed at the“ independence ”and“ independence ”activities that are rampant for“ independence ”and“ independence ”activitiesTaiwan independence "stubborn molecules, and said that Taiwanese employees including multinational companies, as long as they are not engaged in illegal and criminal activities, they can study, employment, and live at the mainland with peace of mind.

A spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Office, Zhu Fenglian, hosted a routine press conference on Wednesday (July 24).Some reporters asked her, "Some media said that after the mainland issued punishment 'independent' judicial documents, the Democratic Progressive Party claimed that" try not to send Taiwanese employees to work in the mainland '.The coverage of the split behavior 'is inaccurate and the exact range is unclear. "

Zhu Fenglian replied that the use of criminal judicial means to punish national criminals and safeguard the core interests of the country are the practices of countries around the world."The judicial documents we have introduced are strictly formulated in accordance with the law, and the punishment objects are accurate and clear. They only target the" independence "activities that are involved in the" independence and deeds' "independence and" independence "activities, and the split countries implemented by their implementation."Crime"

Zhu Fenglian further said that the majority of Taiwanese people, including Taiwanese employees working in multinational companies, do not engage in illegal and criminal activities, do not have to worryEssenceShe said that she will continue to respect, care, and benefit the people of Taiwan, and continue to build a first -class business environment for marketization, rule of law, and internationalization.

According to Reuters on July 4, two company executives said that some foreign companies operating in China have dialogues with Taiwanese employees on security issues.Another person familiar with the matter said that Taiwanese employees of some foreign companies have accepted their choices from mainland China.

According to the Taiwan government survey, as of 2022, 177,000 Taiwanese worked in mainland China.These Taiwanese are employed by multinational companies in China because of their language skills and familiarity with Chinese culture.

Since Taiwan Lai Qingde came to power on May 20, it has been emphasized several times that the Taiwan Strait has not been affiliated with each other, so that cross -strait relations are tense.Mainland China ’s judicial and national security organs issued a judicial interpretation document for punishment of Taiwan’ s independence on June 21, emphasizing that the heaviest to sentence Taiwan independence elements can be sentenced to death.

Earlier, Zhu Fenglian said on June 28 that the reporter asked that the judicial interpretation document did not target or involved the people of Taiwan.Stubborn Taiwan independence stubborn people, as well as their split countries and inciting split state crimes.

She accused the DPP of maliciously discrediting relevant judicial documents, and using the so -called tourism warning for political manipulation is a naked threat to the people of Taiwan.

The mainland committee of Taiwan has announced on June 27 that the "orange" lamp with tourism warnings in mainland China and Hong Kong and Macau is the second highest. It is recommended that the public avoid unnecessary travel.