The Ministry of Education of Taiwan will change the name of southern Fujian to "Taiwan Taiwanese".

On Wednesday (July 24) of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Mainland China, a regular press conference was held.Some media asked Lai Qingde on Sunday (21st) at the Democratic Progressive Party's entire -generation conference to use Minnan language, and the Ministry of Education of the DPP predicted last week to rename the "Minnan language ability certification test" to "Taiwanese Taiwanese language abilityCertification test ".

Zhu Fenglian, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office, described it that this was another farce of the DPP's intention to "de -China".

Zhu Fenglian said that the Minnan language, Hakka dialects spoken by the people in Taiwan are the same as Fujian and Guangdong people.The ancestors of Fujian and Guangdong were brought to Taiwan.

Zhu Fenglian subsequently spoken in Minnan and Hakka. Taiwanese is a Minnan language. It was understood from Fujian in the early days of ancient times.The Hakka dialects on both sides are the same, and they can be understood.

Zhu Fenglian criticized the DPP attempt to make political articles on the name of dialects, which is completely self -deceiving."No matter how they toss, they can't wipe out the Chinese cultural imprint of Taiwan society, and it cannot reduce the Chinese nation's consciousness of Taiwan."The terms of terms should be used to use the indigenous ethnic language of Taiwan, Taiwanese guest, Taiwanese Taiwanese, Taiwanese sign language, Matsu, etc., and plan to modify the name of Minnan to Taiwanese Taiwanese.

The Kuomintang legislators Hong Mengkai criticized the DPP to make articles in ideology, so that the public could not accept it.This "self -hi -type A Q Victory method" is just heating on the same temperature layer.