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The Taiwan Ministry of National Defense on Monday (22nd) launched a five -day and 4 night "Hanguang No. 40" real soldier exercise.Real shot firing.

This annual military exercise has attracted more international attention due to the increasingly tension of cross -strait relations between the Taiwan Straits.Analysis speculates that the United States has made suggestions on the design of the exercise; the mainland has not yet publicly commented.

This year's military performance conducted the first "no script, actual combat" exercise, and changed the exercise mode of "classing according to the table" in the past.Visit military scholars to sort out the five key highlights for you.

"No script" practical exercise

The Taiwan military emphasizes the exercise "no script" this year, making the exercise closer to actual combat.The so -called "no script" is not a zero preparation, but does not allow officers and soldiers to know the situation in advance. It can be understood as a script but not drama.

Researcher Jie Zhong, a researcher at the China Strategic Foreign Prospective Association, pointed out that in the past, the troops would know what a few points would be, and they could practice repeatedly in advance."Status" to test the overall response combat capabilities of the troops.

This year's exercise has also been implemented for 24 hours of uninterrupted training.Jiezhong said that in the past, the Hanguang exercise would condense 24 -hour training at 5 or 6 hours a day, but in the actual war, it was impossible to end the battle down the mountain.Night training should be strengthened.

Su Ziyun, director of the National Defense Strategy and Resources Research Institute of Taiwan National Defense Safety Research Institute, said in an interview that the Hanguang exercise "Software is more important than hardware" (quality training is finally weapon training).Reform, through the upgrade of exercises, "release the potential of the army."

Considering the safety of "no script" exercise, Taiwan's island implements the model of "real soldiers but not real", because the army's exercise area may be on the residential area or general road.Safety.On the outer island is to maintain real soldiers.

Cancel down false and firepower and firepower display

According to the practice, the exercise will be played by the Army Special War Headquarters and Marine Corps to play an attacker (Red Army) and fight against the defense (Blue Army).This year, the red and blue confrontation on the island was canceled, so that the troops that often played the "imaginary enemy" in the past can focus on the defense tasks that should be done, study the terrain of the battlefield, and develop tactical positions.

image source, ann wang/reuters

Jiezhong analysis states: "In the past, the firepower display and red and blue confrontation wanted to emphasize the positive image of the National Army, and made a lot of designs from the scene and the program arrangement." For example, he said, red and blueIn the end, the Red Army was always defeated by the Red Army, and the row of war vehicles on the beach was also out of the real war.

Gu Lixiong, the Minister of Defense of Taiwan, said that there is no need to perform confrontational exercises that can be pre -previewed in advance, and the defense (Blues) can also focus on the real situation given by the Ministry of National Defense.He also clarified that the cancellation of the reason has nothing to do with the sensitivity of the Taiwan Strait and the sensitivity of military confrontation.

But Lin Yijun, the party legislator of the people in the wild, criticized that the actual exercise of the actual soldiers against the exercise was "punching the air".Jie Zhong also pointed out that what the Ministry of National Defense should conduct "actual combat free confrontation" of "no script", so that we can see that when facing the enemy's constant strike vulnerabilities, our army's real fighting ability.

Su Ziyun believes that Taiwan ’s exercises focus on“ defense ”, not“ offensive ”. Taiwan should focus on performing the projects that they most need to practice.

He said that the real soldier exercise was the third stage of the Hansuki exercise. In April this year, the second stage of "Computer Auxiliary Soldiers Deeds" was held, and he had already carried out the military push drill of the invasion of the "Red Army" invasion of the army.The third stage of real soldiers focus on live exercises rather than performing.

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In the past, the Hanguang exercise usually selected specific subjects to publicize the training results to the public.Most display subjects are canceled this year.Without the firepower display of the public, but the exercise location is all over Taiwan, the public can still feel the atmosphere of the exercise -walking next to the street with a tank, driving on the road, may be next to the cloud leopards.The "Super Cobra Snake" helicopter huntering drill in front of the Wangfu Temple attracted military fans to take pictures.

decentralization command and control

This exercise also includes decentralized command and control. It is how the simulation command chain was cut off during the war and how to implement independent combat capabilities with the high -level command units when losing contact with the superior command unit. Therefore(Rules of Engagement), authorized and responsible area.The military said that the new version of the combat rules will also be verified for the first time in Hanguang.

Jiezhong believes that excessive reliance on the support and guidance of superiors is one of the weaknesses of the Taiwan military ground forces. This time, decentralized drills highlight the importance.

"Gray Zone" combat preparation

Hanguang exercise is 5 days and 4 nights, but it is actually "5 plus 2 days".On July 20, the Ministry of National Defense, two days before the exercise, first performed real soldiers in Tainan and Kaohsiung. The islands also strengthened combat reserve and allowed the troops to enter the exercise for the "gray zone action".

The "Hanguang 40 Little Science Popularization" promotional animation released by the military on July 21 can also be seen that the enemy's deliberate conflict on disputes on the outer island is one of the possibilities of the Ministry of National Defense's imagination of the Taiwan Strait War.

The Institute of National Defense Security Research states that the "Gray Zone Action" is a disturbance action initiated by the intruder before the possible outbreak of war.It is difficult to decide the confusion of responding to military or police forces, and the response time is slowed down.

The Chinese fishing vessels and the rest of the Chinese fishing vessels that occurred in the Golden Gate waters on February 14 this year were regarded as typical "gray zones" by some national security people in Taiwan.

U.S. Promotion?China jumps?

On the 40th anniversary of the Hanguang exercise and the tension on both sides of the strait, the Taiwan military adopted a more close -up exercise method. Su Ziyun believes that China and the United States are two key external factors.

Su Ziyun said that, first of all, in the case of threats that have become more obvious, new weapons and new concepts need to be strengthened. Second, military exchanges between Taiwan and the United States have become more enthusiastic in recent years.In July 2023, the Taiwan Army Union Camp went low -key to the United States to participate in the annual multi -country exercises codenamed the "Northern Strike" to learn new combat concepts and promote the transformation of the Hanguang exercise project.

Jiezhong also pointed out that since Biden's 2021 as the president of the United States, Taiwan and the United States have heated up their military exchanges. In recent years, more and more foreign officers and soldiers have come to observe on the spot.Computer soldiers push.He speculated that the U.S. military may have some suggestions for the Taiwan military exercise subjects.

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On the Han Guang exercise, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of National Defense Wu Qian said at a regular press conference on June 27: "The acting and playing are all acting, and they cannot change the ending of the" Taiwan independence "."

One day before the Hanguang exercise (21st), the Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan detected a 13 -hour hovering in China and bypassing the whole circle of Taiwan.

Jiezhong analysis, because Han Guang is a routine exercise every year, it is estimated that China will use this to collect information, but there should not be too intense abnormal actions.It is not excluded that the machine ship will be sent to perform a "joint warup police patrol", forcing the Taiwan military to transfer manpower to cope with it to interfere with the Taiwan military exercise.

But because the typhoon "Kimmy" (Gumi) approaches Taiwan, it is estimated that it will bring a storm on Wednesday and Thursday.Behavior may also be affected by typhoons.