The United States is about to hold a presidential election at the end of this year.The DPP ruling in Taiwan will carry out "prospect simulation" to analyze the political and economic situation that Taiwan may face after the US presidential election.

Comprehensive Taiwan Lianhe Daily Free Times reported that the DPP is about to host "Democratic Taiwan Peace and Sustainability, 2024 New Generation National Security Camp".Simulation ", information combat and false information, in response to thinking, economic situation decision -making training and other courses, I look forward to cultivating more national security talents for Taiwan.

Wu Junzheng, director of the DPP China Affairs Department, said at a press conference on Tuesday (July 23) that in recent years, the international situation has changed very sharply.After continuing for three or forty years, Taiwan is located in the first Pacific island chain, and it is necessary to plan early.

Wu Junxuan pointed out that the camp will invite the Taiwan Information Environment Research Center to jointly give a lecture on topics such as information operations and fake information.Simulation training trainees think and decide, and ask the State Institute of State Research Institute to design a set of political and economic simulation environments to plan a more effective international political strategy for Taiwan's political environment for the international situation of the US presidential election.

Dong Liwen introduced that the "prospect simulation" that the camp is about to conduct this year will be a higher level than the soldiers. The economic considerations are added, and the script that can be exerted will become wider.

Dong Liwen said that although the US President Biden has withdrawn from the presidential election, the successor is still unclear, but he believes that the Democratic Party has always been a diplomatic system. No matter who is the successor, the diplomatic route policy will not be changed;On the other hand, the Republican presidential candidate Trump has talked about the topic of the mainland's attack on Taiwan three times, and the first time he said to bomb Beijing; the second time he said that Taiwan would pay the protection fee;It will not cause the mainland to invade Taiwan.In the face of these contexts, how to get in Taiwan is this year's script, and the main axis of deduction simulation must be performed.