A shipwreck in the golden building in February this year caused two fishermen in mainland China. The Taiwan media learned that the cross -strait negotiations have achieved breakthrough results, and Taiwan will return the remains of mainland fishermen and fishing boats.

The Taiwan United Daily News reported on Tuesday (July 23) that Chen Yuzhen said in an interview that all units on both sides of the strait, including themselves, worked hard to mediate and communicate.Easy to obtain consensus.

She revealed that the Taiwan MAC and the Luofang negotiating representatives will meet at Golden Gate on Wednesday (July 24). I believe that the incident will end tomorrow.

The joint newspaper was informed that the representatives of the two sides of the strait will sign a negotiation consensus at the Golden Gate meeting, and Taiwan will return the dead body of mainland fishermen and fishing boats involved in the incident.

Chen Yuzhen said that after the incident was resolved, whether it was the fisherman who was stranded on the mainland to return to Taiwan, or the Luke's visit to the Golden Gate is expected to be realized.It will also recover in the future.

Chen Yuzhen posted on Facebook before the interview, release the signal that the Golden Gate incident is expected to be resolved.

This post wrote: "Reappear in the sky, I wish all the best tomorrow, the soul returns to the hometown, and the goodwill accumulates. Although Taipei is the eve of the typhoon, it is in Shanghai, but the clear sky is thousands of miles.Human efforts, sincere hope, the wind and rain will eventually pass, and the future is clear.Excessive law enforcement caused the reaching of mainland fishing vessels, resulting in the death of two mainland fishermen on the ship.Mainland China and Taiwan's responsibility for the incident have their own words, which has led to the heating tensions on both sides of the strait.

Although the representatives of the two parties went to Kinmen to negotiate to set the incident and discuss compensation, the two rounds of negotiations could not discuss the results in the past few months, and the incident was deadlocked.