U.S. President Biden announced that the withdrawal of the election has attracted attention from all walks of life. Taiwanese scholar Su Shi, who was the Secretary -General of the National Security Council of Ma Ying -jeou, said in an interview with Su Shi (July 22) that the results of the US election were only "big, small chaos"In the two results, Taiwan fell to the United States to "tighten the skin."He also emphasized that dialogue with mainland China is the only way for self -rescue in Taiwan.

Bynden performed well in the debate in June and was not well criticized. After several weeks of pressure after the Democrats of the same party, they finally announced the withdrawal from the presidential election on Sunday (July 21), and expressed support for the support of Vice President Harris HarrisBecome a Democratic presidential candidate.

This is undoubtedly a shocking bomb for the election, which has also aroused the attention of all parties.The Taipei Forum Foundation and the School of Social Sciences of Taiwan University held a "Observation Symposium on the Presidential Election of the United States" on Monday, inviting experts and scholars to interpret the highlights and influence of this US election.

Su Qi, chairman of the Taipei Forum, said in an interview before the symposium that the result of this US election was either a chaos or a small chaos. In case Trump did not choose, it was likely to set off stronger dissatisfaction than 2020 in 2020.The supporters may bloom everywhere, causing the possibility of bleeding conflict.If Trump is elected, the monopoly power will be carried out from top to bottom in the future. The US government literati and soldiers may split. Although it is not a national turmoil, it is still a small chaos.

Su Qi believes that Trump's related remarks, such as Taiwan to pay protection fees, etc., are still election language; after the future, it depends on Trump's really elected policies to coordinate and implement.To judge the degree.

The Academy of Social Sciences of Taiwan and the Taipei Forum Foundation jointly hosted the "Observation of the Presidential Election" on July 22.The guests on the Taiwan side were Guo Chonglun, deputy editor -in -chief of the Taiwan United Daily News, He Siyin, CEO of the Taipei Forum, Su Hongda, Dean of the School of Social Sciences of Taiwan University, and Su Qi, chairman of the Taipei Forum.(Photo by Miao Zonghan)

Su Qi said that the United States is the only mountain in Taiwan, but the United States may face chaos or small chaos.The Taiwan Lai Qingde government is now fighting the mainland, fighting in the wild party, and the party.

He emphasized that the United States after the election did not know that it was not known to Taiwan, so the cross -strait dialogue was still the only self -rescue method in Taiwan."Don't want to deal with cross -strait relations, and give everything to the United States to deal with it. What should I do when the United States stands and one hand?"

Su Qi further pointed out at the meeting that he has long called for "the United States may not be rescued, the mainland may come", and the United States has "insufficient power in the heart"; if Trump came to powerInsufficient, lack of strength. "

He believes that another key at that time is how Chinese officials in mainland China use opportunities to use opportunities to negotiate, and Taiwan may be slaughtered.

Su Hongda, Dean of the Academy of Social Sciences of Taiwan University, mentioned at the meeting that Trump's current policies have many controversial points.For example, Heritage Foundation's 2025 Plan (Project 2025) attitude (Project 2025) for him is extremely tough, and directly stirred up "to defeat the Chinese government power as the only first goal."

Su Hongda, Dean of the National Taiwan Academy of Social Sciences, mentioned in the discussion on July 22 that the 2025 plan led by the traditional Foundation of the Right-wing Think Tank is likely to become a policy policy after Trump's election.The primary goal of defeating the Chinese Communist regime is a significant increase in the future cost of the United States allies.(Photo by Miao Zonghan)

He said that such words were not common in the "quasi -official post" in the United States, and it was not necessarily beneficial to Trump.

But Su Hongda also mentioned that if Trump is elected, the cost of the United States will probably increase significantly.European countries are also worried that Trump will withdraw aid for Ukraine and will focus on fighting against China.