After the judicial opinions of the Chinese mainland on Friday (June 21) issued 22 punishment of Taiwan ’s independence of the country, Taiwan’ s facing the country agreed that this was not good for cross -strait exchanges.According to the exclusive control of the United Morning Post, Lu Fang and the Green Camp have originally planned to develop a face -to -face contact of scholars at Macau. With the announcement of the above 22 opinions, related arrangements may break the situation.

Since the inauguration of Taiwan Lai Qingde on May 20, it has repeatedly reiterated that "the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China are not affiliated with each other", which has caused strong dissatisfaction in Beijing.Not only did the military exercise of the Taiwan Taiwan be launched again and terminated more than a hundred cross-strait economic cooperation framework agreements (ECFA) tariff reductions, Last week, a total of 22 articles on punishment of "Taiwan independence" stubbornly split the country and incite the criminal of the country , emphasizing that the heavily sentenced to Taiwan independence elements can be sentenced to death, and they can also "absence the absence of the absence of the absence"Trial", and for life accountability.

For the 22 opinions issued by the land side, the Taiwan and the field refuted that Beijing's proposition of judicial jurisdiction in Taiwan was refuted.The mainland committee of the Taiwan government criticized that the practice of land will only provoke cross -strait opposition, affect exchanges, and help the healthy development of cross -strait relations; the Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun said in an interview that the enemy spirals on both sides of the strait continue to rise.Equipping, otherwise it will only cause conflicts and should replace confrontation with dialogue.

Since the inauguration speeches in Taiwan on May 20, Taiwan has repeatedly reiterated that "the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China are not affiliated with each other."At the time, the biggest challenge that the Taiwan Army faced was the intention of "swallowing Taiwan and eliminating the Republic of China."(Agence France -Presse)

In fact, before Lai Qingde took office, Yan Anlin, director of the Academic Committee of the Shanghai International Institute of Technology, suggested in early May that the mainland can play a unique role in Hong Kong and Macau in cross -strait relations.Carry out contact and communication with the Democratic Progressive Party.

At that time, some analysts believed that the attitude of Lu Fang may have signs of looseness in the attitude of interaction with the green camps.

According to this newspaper, before the promulgation of 22 opinions, the Luofang and the Green Camp even planned to expand the face -to -face contact of scholars at the level of scholars in Macau.At least two think tank scholars with the Democratic Progressive Party were allowed to go to Macau to have a closed -door talks with people in the land school.And after Lai Qingde took office, the two sides held a video conference first.

One of the green camp scholars involved in contact with this newspaper said frankly that in the past month, there are indeed expectations for the new situation between the two sides of the strait, but the green camp scholars have safety doubts about going to the mainland and Hong Kong.Taiwan will be used by the Democratic Progressive Party, so it will eventually be selected in Macau to start contact.

In fact, as early as 2005, the mainland had bypassed the official channels with the Chen Shui -bian government, which is also the DPP, and discussed the Spring Festival charter machine in Macau through industry groups. Cross -strait officials directly participated in negotiations as consultants.This model is also known as the "Macau model".

Hong Yaonan, assistant professor of the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Relations of Taiwan Tamkang University, has been serving as a special assistance of the DPP from 2020 to 2022 from the former Tsai Ing -wen of Taiwan from 2020 to 2022.

He also mentioned in an interview with this newspaper that it is precisely because of the precedent of the "Macau model" that Macau is more suitable for the place where the two -rails and two parties and two parties are in contact with Hong Kong.He also believes that if the people can restore the two -track contact of the scholar level between the people, although it is difficult to replace the official communication, it can at least enhance each other's information and understand each other's thinking.

Over the past eight years, although the official cross -strait officials have stopped interactive due to political differences and the crown disease epidemic, they have also reported that the two -strait and two tracks are expected to restore contact from time to time.

In January 2021, Dong Liwen, the executive chief of the Asia -Pacific Peace Research Foundation, which belongs to the Taiwan National Security Council, was once reported that Yang Mingjie, director of the National Institute of Social Sciences, and the Taiwan Institute of Social Sciences, which was expected to be.A closed -door video conference was held, but the game was ultimately broken.

After the Taiwan election this year, Wu Junzheng, director of the DPP China Affairs Department, was also reported in February. In an online lecture that includes cross -strait and overseas Chinese scholars, he communicated with mainland scholars and even proposed the people.The party's "Taiwan independence party platform" is already a statement of historical documents.

Wu Junye was asked by the Taiwan media last Tuesday (18th). When the DPP planned to communicate with the Communist Party of China on the party, he said more and said, "Can't disclosure, isn't many things dead?"

Liu Jincai, an associate professor at the Department of Public Affairs of Fo Guang University in Taiwan, pointed out in an interview with this newspaper that when Tsai Ing -wen first took office in 2017, some green camp scholars could be invited to participate in the closed -door discussion, but now almost disappeared.

He believes that compared with Chen Shui -bian, Xie Changting, and even Lai Qingde and other green camps, the atmosphere of green camps in the past went to land. At present, the atmosphere of cross -strait exchanges is indeed relatively tight.

He emphasized, in any case, At least 40%of the people in Taiwan support the supportThe DPP is a reality that the mainland cannot avoid.There are still some gentle and pragmatic people in the Democratic Progressive Party. If you can restore contact with these people in the third place at this stage, it is believed that it can play a positive role in the atmosphere of the peace on both sides of the strait.

Liu Jincai pointed out that if the mainland does not contact because these people advocate Taiwan independence, they will only be exposed to the same temperature layer, and the hostility between the DPP will only continue to rise, which will eventually cause the two sides of the strait to be suppressed and counter -prociment.spiral.

The Supreme People's Court of China, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of National Security, and the Ministry of Justice held a press conference at the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council on the afternoon of June 21 to announce the punishment of "Taiwan independence" in accordance with the law according to law.The opinions of stubbornly split the country and incite the crime of splitting the country are implemented from the date of release.Chen Binhua, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, Sun Ping, Deputy Director of the Legal System Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, Ma Yan, member of the Supreme People's Court Judgment Committee, Zhang Qingbin, Deputy Director of the Supreme People's Procuratorate of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and Tian TianXin.(China News Agency)

However, after 22 opinions were promulgated, the green camp scholars actually in contact with the land side were not optimistic about the follow -up interaction.

He believes that the 22 opinions of this time will inevitably compress the pigeon sound between the two sides of the strait."The sound of the two sides of the strait should be communicated and dialogue. To some extent, there will be self -doubts and even weakened." This will also affect Taiwan's official.It can be fucking.

He also mentioned that the voice of the mainland's Taiwan academic community has become more embarrassing today. "The intention of wanting to communicate and communicate in Taiwan is still unable to hold (official policy)."

This scholar is judged that before the people of the people can only maintain the epidemic, scholars are "private, private, non -face -to -face, if there is no communication communication", to return toI am afraid to wait and see for a while.