Mainland China promulgated and implemented a new regulations on Taiwan ’s independence. Taiwan Lai Qingde said that mainland China has no right to sanction the people of Taiwan, nor does it have the power to prosecute the people of Taiwan.

Comprehensive Taiwan Liberty Times and United Daily reports, Lai Qingde made a conversation on Monday (June 24) in the Presidential Palace's Open Hall.Business safety risk?

Lai Qingde first expressed condolences to the people who suffered from heavy rain in the southern China before answering the question, hoping that the reconstruction after the disaster was smooth, and the affected people could return to their normal life as soon as possible.

Lai Qingde then said, "Democracy is not a crime, and autocracy is sin."He said that there is no power in mainland China that can sanction the people of Taiwan because of the claims of the people of Taiwan; mainland China has no right to trace the people of Taiwan across the world.

Lai Qingde said that according to the opinions of mainland China, unity of unity is Taiwan independence. Whether it is "Taiwan, the Republic of China, the Republic of China Taiwan, and the eyes of China, they are all Taiwan independence.Promote the party 'not Taiwan independence. "He expressed his hope to face this issue together, and everyone united.

He also called on mainland China to face the existence of the "Republic of China" and communicate and talk to the Taiwan -elected government. This is the correct way to improve the well -being of the people on both sides of the strait.The more alienated.

Mainland China Judicial and National Security Organs jointly issued the opinions on punishing "Taiwan independence" stubborn molecules in accordance with the law and the state of stubbornly splitting the country and inciting the crime of national crimes, stipulating that stubborn "Taiwan independence" parts of the severe circumstances can be sentenced to death., And lack of trials and linked accountability.

Mainland Chinese officials said, "In the context of the current situation of the Taiwan Strait's complex and severe situation, Lai Qingde's official conspiracy and provocations", this opinion further enriched the anti -"Taiwan independence" and anti -interference legal tool box, and punished according to law according to law.The "Taiwan independence" stubborn molecular split countries and the two crimes of inciting split countries have made specific provisions to provide clear guidance for judicial cases.