Taiwan Lai Qingde will speak on Monday (June 24) at 9:30 in the morning, and announced that the legislature was announced to the Constitution of the Legislative Yuan.

Comprehensive Taiwan Liberty Times and United Daily reports, Lai Qingde will personally announce the interpretation of the constitution on Monday. At 9:30 in the morning, the first disclosure of the President's Palace was published after taking office.Constitutional reason, then expressed the attitude of interpretation of constitution.

Lai Qingde will take the title of "protecting constitutional government and protecting the people", indicating that he has the position of the law of the legislature's authority to refer to constitutional constitution.

After the Taiwan Legislative Yuan rejected the Reverages Proposal of the Legislative Yuan Reform Act proposed by the Executive Yuan on Friday (21st), the Party Legislative Yuan of the Executive Yuan and the DPP Legislative Yuan of the Democratic Progressive Party stated that he would temporarily dispose constitutional interpretation and claims.

The Democratic Progressive Party Secretary -General Lin Youchang Sunday (23rd) refers to the Kuomintang and the people's party to pass the "law of abuse of power."Shi Xian's text will be sent to the court of justice and starting the judges' review procedures.

The China Times reported that according to relevant regulations, after the failure of the legislature of the Legislative Yuan's reform of the Legislative Yuan, the Presidential Palace, the Executive Yuan, the Democratic Progressive Party of the Legislative Yuan, and the Supervisory Institute can all ask the constitutional case in accordance with the law.