In response to Beijing's "punishment of Taiwan independence", Taiwan Lai Qingde personally responded that "democracy is not crime, autocracy is sin", and emphasized that mainland China has no right to sanction the people of Taiwan.He also announced that he will filed a constitutional lawsuit on the Reform and amendment of the Legislative Yuan who has led and passed the three readings in the wild party and explained constitutional.

Interviewed scholars interpreted that Lai Qingde showed a tough and unyielding gesture to the mainland, and he also intended to fight against the opposition party to the end. He hoped to accumulate the people through the struggle to break through the "double half" governance dilemma.

Mainland China ’s judicial and national security organs promulgated the judicial interpretation documents of punishment for Taiwan independence on Friday (June 21), emphasizing that the most important death penalty to Taiwan independence elements can be“ absent from trial ”and linked for life.

Lai Qingde issued a conversation in the Presidential Palace's Presidential Hall on Monday (June 24). In response to media questions, whether Beijing's punishment Taiwan would increase the personal safety risks of overseas Taiwanese businessmen, saying that "democracy is not a crime, and autocracy is sin."It emphasizes that "China (Mainland) has no rights to sanction the people of Taiwan, and there is no right to trace the people of Taiwan across the world.

Lai Qingde said that according to the opinions of mainland China, unity of unity is Taiwan independence. Therefore, whether "Taiwan faction, the Republic of China, the Republic of China, the Republic of China, and the eyes of China (mainland) are all Taiwan independence.The party 'is not Taiwan independence. "He also called on mainland China to face the existence of the "Republic of China" and communicate with the Taiwan -elected government to enhance the well -being of the people on both sides of the strait, otherwise cross -strait relations will only be more and more alienated.

In addition, the Legislative Yuan of Taiwan's Supreme Public Opinion Institution at the end of May through the three readings of the Legislative Yuan dominated by the Legislative Yuan's authority and amendments to the Criminal Law in the wild blue and white parties, the president is required to go to the Legislative Yuan to conduct a national conditions report.And to give the Legislative Yuan the right to investigate and hear the right to hear, and rejected the Reexamination of the Legislative Yuan Reform Act proposed by the Executive Yuan on June 21.

With the Party Group of the Executive Yuan and the Democratic Progressive Party Legislative Yuan, it will be temporarily punished by the constitutional interpretation and voice. Lai Qingde revealed that he had signed in accordance with the constitution and announced the bill on Monday.However, he pointed out that the amendment of the Legislative Yuan was highly concerned about the social concerns in the review procedure, and it also caused the risk of the division of power and the principle of checks and balances of the Constitution.Therefore, he will file a constitutional lawsuit to the Constitutional Court to explain the constitution.

Lai Qingde emphasized that /A>, and said that it would wait until the results of the constitutional interpretation were released before deciding whether to report to the Legislative Yuan.

For Lai Qingde's speech, the Kuomintang chairman Zhu Lilun approved it, and the DPP opposed the reform bill supported by the party's intention and the benefit of the party, and discredited, reded and rumored to attack the opposition party. Senior media person Zhao Shaokang referred to Qingde to violate the legislature as a national report report.The campaign commitment promised to declare war on the opposition party, and the mentality of the dictatorship was clear.

Zhang Deng, a professor at the Political Department of Taiwan University, and interviewed by the Lianhe Morning Post, Lai Qingde showed a tough and unyielding posture on the framework of the inauguration speech, and talked about democratic confrontation.There is no legitimacy that requires the democratic government to do anything. "If this logic is pushed to the end, there is no need to communicate on both sides of the strait."He believes that in Lai Qingde's office, the official interaction between the two sides of the strait is basically hopeless.

Zhang Deng said that Lai Qingde won 40 % of the votes in the presidential election.On the one hand, the constitutional interpretation procedure and the mass movement are "inner and outer", and on the other hand, it operates the sharp confrontation and differentiation of blue and white in the field to accumulate the available people, so as to strive to pull back from the white camp (the party)The Kuomintang) became a passerby of the Communist Party of China.

He evaluated Lai Qingde to expect a meaningful dialogue with the mainland. Instead, he would hope that the new government selected by the United States at the end of the year would be more enthusiastic about using Taiwan to fight against the mainland.Energy, Qiangguan Guanshan was re -elected by 2028.