Taiwan Lai Qingde on Monday (June 24) announced that the law of the law of authority was explained in response to the legal amendments to the Legislative Yuan, and emphasized that he was opposed to the expansion of the Legislative Yuan, rather than the reform of the legislature.

Comprehensive Taiwan Liberty Times and United Daily reports, Lai Qingde held a conversation of the Open Hall in the morning, indicating that it would file a constitutional lawsuit to the Constitutional Court to explain the constitution.

Lai Qingde said that he had earlier as president and promised the people of Taiwan to obey the constitution and fulfill his duties.The signing is completed in accordance with the constitution and will be announced on Monday.

However, he believes that in addition to the review of the law, in addition to the review procedures caused high social doubts, the relevant provisions will also have the principles of power separation and checks and balances of the constitution, causing risk of harm.

After the Taiwan Legislative Yuan rejected the Reverages Proposal of the Legislative Yuan Reform Act proposed by the Executive Yuan on Friday (21st), the Party Legislative Yuan of the Executive Yuan and the DPP Legislative Yuan of the Democratic Progressive Party stated that he would temporarily dispose constitutional interpretation and claims.

The China Times reported that according to relevant regulations, after the failure of the Legislative Yuan's reform of the reform of the Legislative Yuan, the Presidential Palace, the Executive Yuan, the Democratic Progressive Party of the Legislative Yuan, and the Supervisory Institute can all ask the constitutional case according to law.

The Legislative Yuan through three readings at the end of May passed the Legislative Yuan's Reform of the Legislative Yuan to exercise the law and amendments to the criminal law. It is required to go to the Legislative Yuan to conduct a national conditions report.Give the Legislative Yuan's right to investigate and hearings.

Lai Qingde said whether he would go to the Legislative Yuan if he would go to the Legislative Yuan before the release of the constitutional interpretation results.