(Taipei Comprehensive News) Some media broke the news that Taiwan's representative of the United States in the United States was purchased for various high -priced products in the name of official duties.Public funds.

Taiwan Mirror Weekly reported on Tuesday (June 25) that Yu Da bought various high -priced products with public funds, including 210,000 carpets, 960,000 French handmade sofas, 260,000 pairs of Bluetooth speakers, 110,000A Swiss brand coffee machine bought two units at a time.

In addition, consumables such as toilet paper, toothpaste and other consumables used in personal residences also report to the reason for receiving guests.It is reported that he spent 8 million yuan in his official residence for half a year.

Report also said that the seats represented by the Taiwan in the United States have just been bought for two years and cannot be replaced according to regulations.But after taking office, he also applied to buy a Cadillac luxury car of 3.7 million yuan.

Reported that in March of this year, Xiao Meiqin Big? In the name of Xiao Meiqin, the purchase of brand -name towels, French imported mineral water, and a banquet in high -end restaurants are all reported on the grounds of "Vice President to use".

Report also said that Yu Da? The wife will let his wife "call the diplomat at the moment", and let the staff of the representative office accompany shopping, help press the elevator, etc.

The above report caused heated discussions. The Taiwanese government spokesman Guo Yahui responded when he was questioned. President Lai Qingde had asked the Executive Yuan and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to understand the truth and handled it in accordance with relevant regulations.

Liu Yongjian, a spokesman for the Taiwan Foreign Ministry, said at a regular press conference on Tuesday that after Yu Da ’s appointment in December last year, the related purchased furniture and equipment all had disrupted or damaged for years due to the number of years of use.The needs of banquets and guests are purchased according to regulations; and the price inflation is severe after the crown disease epidemic, and labor costs are soaring, which is also reflected in the procurement price.

For reports that Yu Da ’s purchase of 3.7 million yuan Cadillac, Liu Yongjian said that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not agree with his application.

Yu Da is proficient in English, French and Spanish, and once sent Switzerland, Salvador and other places.According to Mirror Weekly, he is familiar with the affairs of Central South America and is considered to be stable, the United States and Central and South America.