Wang Jin, former dean of the Taiwan Legislative Yuan, usually visits mainland China after five years, and may meet with the director of the State Council of the State Council.

According to the Taiwan United Daily report, Wang Jinping attended the religious activity of Huiju Tianhou Palace in Kunshan, Jiangsu, on the morning of Saturday (June 22).Wang Jinping attended the prayer ceremony as "the person in charge of Taiwan's public opinion institution" and participated in the ceremony of the Taiwan Mazu Cultural Innovation Exhibition.

After the opening, Wang Jinping was accompanied by Sun Decong, Sun Decong, the head of Huiju Tianhou Palace in Kunshan, and Yan Qingbiao, chairman of the Lan Palace of Taichung Dajia Town.Lian Yueqin, director of the Jiangsu Provincial Office, also appeared to watch the exhibition.

Wang Jinping and his party stayed in the exhibition room for about 20 minutes.After watching the exhibition, Wang Jinping took a ride to leave the venue.

It is reported that Wang Jinping's visit to land is just a sensitive moment of tight relations between cross -strait relations, and Wang Jinping sets this is a personal religious itinerary.As for whoever received the land, he guests followed the Lord.

Wang Jinping's last visit to the mainland was in 2019, and he returned to his hometown to worship his ancestors.

Wang Jinping launched a trip to Lu for seven days and six nights this time. Departing on the 21st, it is expected to return to Taiwan on the 27th.

Kunshan Huiju Hougong Palace was built in the ten years of Emperor Liangwu Tian (AD 511). The predecessor was Huiju Temple.The construction of Huiju Tiangong was built based on the Lugang Tianyuan Palace of Changhua, Taiwan. It is a faith center of nearly 100,000 businessmen. It is also a centers for Taiwanese business gatherings. It has various cultural, folk exchanges and religious activities.

Taiwan Wangbao quoted foreign news reports that Wang Jinping will meet with Song Tao.Wang Pao also reported that Wang Jinping said that polite worship should have, but it is impossible to talk about in -depth problems.