There is no white lunch in the world, but there are white bicycles.Taipei recently launched the policy of free leased borrowings in the first half -hour of public bicycles, and increased a lot of new car supply to encourage more people to ride a bicycle commuting, thereby promoting the goal of energy saving and carbon reduction.Public bicycles have become a part of Taipei public transportation. What is the key?

On Monday (June 3) at 5:30 pm, the slightly cool weather at 23 degrees Celsius, Lin Yi Ni, a 30 -year -old financial planner who was just off work, did not choose to take the subway (Taiwan -called MRT) or the bus home.

She went to the shared bicycle (Taiwan -called Bicycle) site next to the Taipei MRT City Government Station and chose a new Youbike car with bright yellow and pearls to go home for half an hour.She lives in the MRT Zhongshan Station, about seven kilometers.

Lin Yanni said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that as long as the weather is good, she will ride Youbike home and exercise and blow the cool breeze by the way. It has been five years and four or five times a week.She also often rides Youbike to visit customers, and she is mainly taking bus when she goes to work.

The road to ride home, she felt quite at ease."(I) is usually riding on the sidewalk. Some intersections and sidewalks also have the exclusive route area of ​​bicycles. Taipei cars and motorcycles will also give pedestrians and bicycle knights."

Public bicycle Youbike originated in Taipei City. It was tried in 2009 and officially implemented in 2012. It adopts a public and private model, that is, the construction, operation and supervision of local governments by Taiwan's global bicycle manufacturer GIANT.It has been promoted to 12 counties and cities across Taiwan.Youbike's positioning is a public bicycle to distinguish between pure private bicycles.

Taipei City just announced on February 28 that the policy of Youbike's free lease for the first half of the hour was also forced to register for users to obtain free damage insurance. This policy made Lin Yanni feel.

Ling Ni, a financial planner, ride Youbike from get off work every Thursday five times because there are foot tracks along the way, and she is very secure for half an hour.(Photo by Wen Weizhong)

Since the launch of a half -hour policy for free leases, she found that rental sites and new cars have increased significantly, and the process of registering damage insurance on the Internet is also very convenient and fast.Taipei also replaced the old styles with Youbike2.0 this year. The car piles do not need to be charged. The screen of the bicycle front instrument panel is charged with solar energy.

Lin Yanni hopes that the public bicycle in Taipei City is more popular, making the city more neat and less electricity. I also hope to slow down the hot temperature of the Taipei Basin in summer.

According to a report issued by Taipei on May 21, after the launch of Youbike in Taipei in 2012, it provided free lease for the first half of the hour. The free of charge was canceled in 2015 and changed to 5 yuan (NT $ 0.21) in 2015 (about NT $ 0.21).In the first year, the amount of usage decreased by 30 %.At the end of February this year, the official recovered the free lease of YOUBIK's half an hour in the first half of the first half of Youbike. The average daily borrowing of the two months soared to 168,000, which was more than 126,000 from 126,000 from the beginning of last year to February 27 of this year.


Report also mentioned that the new Youbike car in Taipei has continued to increase. At present, more than 20,000 shared bicycles have been supplied at 1,413 sites, and 27,500 vehicles are planned to be supplied at the 2,000 stations at the end of the next year to ensure that the public can get it at any time to get

Deputy Mayor: Completion of public private strategies can replace motorcycles in the future

Li Sichuan, deputy mayor of Taipei City (66 years old), pointed out in an interview that public bicycles are a part of "green public transportation". Under the public private model, the government not only provides funds and policies, but also uses administrative tools.When carrying out urban design and road planning, the land for public pedal stations is provided, the width of the lane is narrowed, the pedal lanes are free from the road, and the pedestrian lanes are divided into bunks or human vehicles.

He said that public private private privileges are a good complementary strategy. The government has invested and supervised and commissioned privately to build and operate, allowing private enterprises to flexibly manage and dispatch private enterprises, and provide innovation and professional services.

All bicycles, rental stations and scientific and technological management of youbike are funded by the government. The source of costs is the various official budgets and funds of the municipal government, including parking fees and air pollution funds levied from gasoline fees.

The benefits of public private models are the latest case. Government departments that master big data can share data with the industry and optimize services.

Youbike often appeared at the popular site last year that "no car can borrow, no place to pay back". Starting from the end of last year, the Taipei City Information Bureau provided big data analysis for Youbike to understand the usage rate of different sites in different time periods.The 285 transfer personnel drove the truck to the popular site to move the vehicle to ensure the balance of supply and demand, and increased the "view of the vehicle" to 92%of the city's "view of the vehicle" at any time.

illustrations/He Hancong

Li Sichuan hopes that one day of the bicycle in Taipei City can fully replace the motorcycle and complete the last miles connecting the bus and the subway.If the Cavaliers handed the motorcycles to the government or car dealer, the government can consider providing a free Youbike discount for at least three or four years, so that the public will practice energy -saving carbon reduction concepts as soon as they go out.Free fat loss and reduce public medical expenditure. "

He said that according to the estimation of the Transportation Bureau, if more people ride a bicycle because of the free lease in the first half of the hour, it can reduce the carbon discharge of 7,000 tons per year, equivalent to the carbon discharge of 16 Daan Forest Park.

In response to the Paris Climate Agreement in 2015 and the Glasgow Climate Convention passed in 2021, Taiwan formulated the 2050 net zero carbon row and mid -2030 mid -term goals.

Li Sichuan, deputy mayor of Taipei City, hopes that one day of the Taipei bicycle can fully replace the motorcycle and complete the last miles connecting the bus and the subway.(Photo by Wen Weizhong)

Li Sichuan, for example, in order to solve the problem of daily traffic in the Taipei Neihu Science and Technology Park, Taipei City launched the "carbon reduction and passbook" campaign for enterprises since November last year, and the public car cards ride bicycles and subway records to convert.The carbon reduction certified by the Taipei Municipal Government, as a proof of carbon reduction, is currently coordinating a unified carbon right certification mechanism with the central government.

He revealed that after Jiang Wanan served as the mayor of Taipei, all foreign guests would send them a leisure card that can ride Youbike and take a subway.Urban business card.

You must look at the public bicycle as an infrastructureOne ring is expected to succeed

Youbike Smile Bicycle Chairman Liu Lizhu (66 years old) admitted in an interview that Youbike came along and faced failed and challenges.

Liu Lizhu is the eldest daughter of Liu Jinbiao, the founder of the huge group with the Giant brand, and has also served as the chairman of the Bicycle New Culture Foundation since 2008.

She said that her father cooperated with the then Taipei Mayor Hao Longbin's trial plan to facilitate the limitation of the trial area restrictions, financial tsunami, difficulties in setting up stations, and incomplete bicycle lanes.After the end, the company decided to give up without bidding.

Later, the Taipei Municipal Government believed that the reason for the failure was that the number and volume of the site were too small. They decided to increase the budget and increase the budget. In addition, the traffic director at the time sincerely asked Liu Jinbiao to persuade the board of directors to support it and also arrange for his daughter to promote it.

Liu Lizhu, chairman of Youbike Smile Bicycles, believes that the key to the success or failure of public bicycles is to regard it as part of public infrastructure, public services and public transportation.(Smile bike provided)

Liu Lizhu admitted that the shared car rental model has impacted the industry of Jie'nte's car building and selling cars.But her father looked far, thinking that 85%of people around the world did not ride bicycles. The shared model can encourage these people to start cycling and fall in love with bicycles.

She believes that this is "fish farming" and cultivates potential customer groups.

Another challenge was the introduction of Obike shared bicycles in Taipei in 2017. At that time, the mayor Ke Wenzhe broke out, "Obike will destroy Youbike", optimistic that Obike can stop without piles and low cost.

However, Obike retired after more than a year. Public opinion generally believes that the reasons behind them include the mechanism of pile -free stopping to test humanity, creating chaos, and no good management at that time.

Now Youbike has continued to improve and is loved by the public. Liu Lizhu believes that the key to success or failure is: the government must be regarded as part of public infrastructure, public services and public transportation;Dialing the budget can only succeed in public bicycles.

She emphasized that regardless of the blue -green and white governance, the public bicycle policy of Taipei City should continue and increase the public bicycle policy; both charges and sites, Youbike is happy to be partners to implement the policy.

She said that the positioning of public bicycles is the "last mile road" service, so we must comprehensively plan a site that "walking is a bit far away, driving is a bit close"; at the same timearea.

Youbike currently offers 96,000 public bicycles in 12 counties and cities in Taiwan, and 1619 people provide behind-the-scenes support, including cleaning, pump gas, maintenance and scheduling.(Smile bike provided)

Reaching a net zero -travel energy saving carbon reduction is not far away

Liu Lizhu said that Taipei City consciously narrowing lanes, broadening sidewalks and planning bicycle lanes, which also slowed down the speed and urban rhythm.Now many people can borrow cars at the door of the house, and the office can be repaid outside the office. There are no reasons for not riding. Many people even ride an umbrella.Essence

Due to the public -private partnership mode of public and private partnerships, Youbike does not need to bear the construction fee, but the profit and loss should be at your own risk. Therefore, you must focus on the service and improve the amount of usage.

It is understood that the daily turnover rate of Youbike in Taipei City, that is, the same car can be borrowed by 11 to 15 times a day, and shared bicycle turnover rates around the world do not exceed five times.The number of daily borrowings in Taipei has often reached 220,000 times, while Taiwan is 500,000.

Youbike currently offers 96,000 public bicycles in 12 counties and cities across Taiwan. 1619 people provide behind -the -scenes support, including cleaning, pumping gas, maintenance and scheduling, and 110 teams provide 24 -hour customer service hotline services across Taiwan.Essence

Scholar: Let the merchants make reasonable money

Scholars who are familiar with public bicycles point out that such projects must continue to advance for a long time. Officials must "work hard and resent and slander", and also allow merchants to make reasonable money.

Luo Xiaoxian, a professor at the Department of Transportation Management of Tamkang University in Taiwan, used the transfer of traffic directors of Taipei from 2006 to 2010 to promote the trial plan of Youbike public bicycle.Bicycles plan.

Luo Xiaoxian said in an interview that Taipei City has not been popular in bicycles since the 1980s, because the riding environment is too poor, and it has only begun to organize and plan bicycle lanes after 2000.The bicycle lanes of commuting and schooling in urban areas have expanded the bicycle network.

Luo Xiaoxian, a professor at the Department of Transportation Management of Tamkang University in Taiwan, said that if civil servants cannot support it, the cause of benefiting the people will not succeed.(Provided by the respondent)

He said that the first half of the first half of this recovery was for free leases. Because of the increase in the supply of new cars and strengthened scheduling, there were no cases that many people worried about carless cars to borrow and repay.

He pointed out that the key to Youbike's loss of money and public bicycles can operate sustainable. It is the government improved the cycling environment and the establishment of public private partnerships for public and private partners, including information and information of the micro -range technology Unicom Youyou card and the information andJinliu integrates public bicycles into the public transport system.

Public privately supplemented government shortcomings

Luo Xiaoxian said that folk merchants have more motivation to make money and improve their service. If they are all operated by the government, the probability is that it can be dragged and far away, but the government can be regulated, which can complement each other with private enterprises.Essence"So don't be afraid of businessmen to make money, let him make reasonable money, make reasonable money, create services, and make up for the government's shortcomings."

He revealed that when Taipei just launched the concept of public bicycles, he encountered many rebound sounds, including city councilors that "please destroy the locomotive (motorcycle) before doing it."The pedal station hinders his family feng shui, and a press conference would cry, causing where the pedal station was set up, and he was scolded.

But with the promotion of the plan, many people who were resisting and scolded at the beginning were in turn to set up stations near their homes.

Luo Xiaoxian lamented that many people do not have to be responsible for irrational words, but if civil servants cannot support it, the cause of benefiting the people will not succeed."" ".

Lin Huizhong, vice chairman of the Taiwan Music Bicycle Association, has rode a bicycle to work for seven consecutive years. It is nearly 50 kilometers back and forth.(Photo by Wen Weizhong)

For seven consecutive years, riding bicycles for nearly 50 kilometers, from freshwater mangroves to Songshan Airport, a bicycle, Lin Huizhong (69 years old), said that local governments may wish to launch more demonstration routes for riding bicycles2. Encourage enterprises to provide employees in the space that employees can wash after cycling.

Lin Huizhong is also the vice chairman of the Taiwan Le living Bicycle Association.He looks forward to promoting the wonderful cycling routes of folk planning, encouraging more people to not only ride to work in school, but also use leisure time to explore Taiwan in depth.