The Mainland Military Military launched the two -day arms exercise last month. Chen Yongkang, deputy minister of the Ministry of Defense and the Legislative member of the Kuomintang, said that the vessels of the main military's performance have a display position, and there is no real bombs.There is no interference against Taiwan, which proves that military exercises are just a psychological war against Taiwan's deterrent.

Comprehensive China Shi Shi News Network and ETTODAY News reported that the Kuomintang Think Tank National Foundation held Wednesday (June 5th) to hold the 80th anniversary of the Normandy National Sales National Security Press Conference.

The Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun said in his speech that the national security responsibility belongs to the whole people. Regardless of the division and the country, the DPP is not responsible. The Kuomintang still has to take responsibility.Waiting for the protection of Taiwan, it is for the good Taiwan. I hope that the DPP will no longer be scratched on the wild party.

Chen Yongkang, who was the convener of the National Security Group of the National Political Foundation, analyzed at the meeting that in the recent military exercise of mainland surrounding Taiwan, its vessels had a display location, no real bombs, no interference with Taiwan, and international civil aviation routes.It was not affected, and it proved that the exercise was only a psychological war against Taiwan's deterrent.He said that the current military performance is mainly based on publicity, showing the pressure of muscle manufacturing, and is not a actual drill to attack Taiwan.

Chen Yongkang pointed out that if the mainland military initiates the landing offenders in the future, Taiwan must restore power grids, energy, medical systems, food, plasma, on -road traffic, maritime transportation, power supply, etc. within 24 to 48 hours.If the social toughness cannot be recovered, the toughness of society will collapse. At that time, there is no need to ask the Taiwanese troops to fight for a few days, how much combat power is.

Chen Yongkang believes that mainland China uses asymmetric techniques to Taiwan, including deterrent scales, magnetic attractions, US and medium corners, competition and pressure, international isolation, etc.We must not just judge the pressure of the mainland forces in the military forces.

After Taiwan Lai Qingde sworn in on May 20, the Eastern theater of the PLA of China announced on May 23 that it carried out a two -day "Lianli Sword -20124A" exercise in Taiwan, Golden Gate, and Matsu.The "two countries theory" in the inaugural speech made a tough response.