According to the Singapore United Zaobao website reported on June 2, the Japanese government is considering the admission to the economic community to define the age of Japanese elderly from the current 65 to 70.This proposal attracted a lot of rebound.Public opinion believes that this is a strategic measure, and the ultimate goal is to increase the age of receiving pensions from 65 to 70.

The President of the Japanese Economic Group Federation (referred to as the Scriptures) President Shikakura and other major members of Shikakura, on May 23, submitted a report to the Japanese Government Economic Policy Committee.It should be considered to increase the age definition of the elderly by 5 years.

It is understood that the main content of the report is to suggest to the authorities to strengthen new professional skills at all ages to achieve a society that everyone can play a role.

The Scripture Group Union is an industry group composed of an enterprise.Suggestions have a certain amount.

Japanese netizens have suggested concern about this social media.Some people say, "Is this a strategy of living to 100 years old and working to death? Obviously, you can only consider this suggestion as a stepping stone that increases the pension to 70 years old."

The younger generation of Japan has more negative views on improving the age definition of the elderly.A 45 -year -old office worker asked reporters: "Does this mean that I have to work to die?"

Another 40 -year -old male office worker said, "I want to retire quickly, I don't want to work until so old."

Kangbo, a professor of social security theory of Social Security University, believes that the Japanese government cannot discuss the issue of improving the age of pensions, so it is thrown to the public opinion.Improving the age definition of the elderly can create an atmosphere of pushing the elderly backwards.In other words, the authorities must make the public clear that the days when their health is responsible will become longer.