The Taiwan Legislative Yuan will read a third reading of the Legislative Yuan Reform Act advocated by the wild, and some media said that Taiwan Lai Qingde intends to start the right of coordination of the hospital.The Taiwan government said that there is currently no related planning of inter -hospital coordination.

Comprehensive reports of Taiwan's Taipao, Central News Agency and Zhongtian News, the Taiwan Legislative Court will be amended on Tuesday (May 28) through the legal amendment of the Legislative Yuan.In the constitution, the court also stated that it would invite experts and scholars to list the disturbances, and then discuss the proposal.Lai Qingde was also reported that he would launch an inter -court coordination right in accordance with the authority of the constitution to see if he could solve the constitutional deadlock through negotiation.

The Taiwanese government spokesman Guo Yahui said on Saturday (June 1) that the DPP Legislative Yuan party group announced the constitutional interpretation of the constitution and the Executive Yuan's discussion.After receiving the counseling of the Legislative Yuan and the Executive Yuan, it will be prudent and handled in accordance with the law. There is currently no related planning of inter -hospital coordination.

The Kuomintang legislator Xu Yuzhen believes that if Lai Qingde wants to invite Legislative President Han Yu, Chief Executive Dean Zhuo Rongtai, Supervisor Chen Ju, Judge Xu Zongli, and Huang RongcunThe inter -court communication should not only talk about the reform of the Legislative Yuan's reform and the law. The discussions should be discussed together.

He said that if he only talks about the reform and practice of the Legislative Yuan, Lai Qingde will make himself small, which will not only help solve the leadership of the court, but also make people feel that it is to find a helper to surround South Korea ’s Yu, which is not conducive to the harmony of the country.