A spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of Mainland China, Chen Binhua, said that supporting the competent authorities to further suspend the tariff reduction of some products originally from Taiwan.

The Ministry of Finance of the Chinese Ministry of Finance on Friday (May 31) issued an announcement on the official website of the State Council's Customs Taxation Committee, which states that from June 15th, the lubricating oil basic oil listed in the attachments native to Taiwan will be.134 tax import products, suspended the tax rate of the Agreement Agreement of Cross -Strait Economic Cooperation Framework (ECFA), and implement it in accordance with the current relevant regulations.This is the reduction of tariffs on some products on Taiwan since December 21 last year.

According to CCTV news reports, Chen Binhua, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of Mainland China, responded on Friday that in the long run, Taiwan's unilateral face has adopted discriminatory trade restrictions on the exports of more than 2,500 mainland products, which violated ECFA's ""The regulations that gradually reduce or cancel the essence between the substances between the two parties "and the regulations of the majority of cargo trade" have damaged the interests of cross -strait enterprises and the well -being of compatriots on both sides of the strait.

He said that after the mainland announced on December 21 last year, it was announced that after the 12 -tax product tariffs such as PCFA items were suspended from ECFA, the DPP not only did not take any measures to cancel trade restrictions on the mainland, but also continued to intensify, Obstruct the normal exchanges and cooperation between the cross -strait economy."In this way, we support the relevant competent authorities to take measures to further suspend the tariff reduction of some product tariffs in ECFA."

Chen Binhua pointed out that ECFA was signed by both sides of the strait on the common political basis of the "1992 Consensus".In the implementation, if the problem occurs, it can be properly resolved through cross -strait negotiations.However, Lai Qingde stubbornly insisted on the "Taiwan independence" position, refused to acknowledge the "1992 Consensus", promoted the "Taiwan independence" division of fallacy, instigated cross -strait opposition confrontation and the economic "detachable chain".Relevant departments have to further stop the root cause of the tariff reduction of some product tariffs in ECFA.Facts once again prove that there is no peace in "Taiwan independence", and there is no development. It will only "disaster the Taiwan" and "harm Taiwan", which will only damage the interests of Taiwanese enterprises and the people.