Wang Yichuan, CEO of the DPP Policy Council in Taiwan, said that he could use mobile phone positioning to analyze and rally of the masses, which caused the government to use mobile phones to monitor the people.After the investigation of the National Communications Commission (NCC) in Taiwan, it confirmed that the three major telecommunications companies in Taiwan had not provided information to other units.

Comprehensive Taiwan China Times and Zhongtian News reports, Wang Yichuan recently announced that the participants who can analyze different activities through mobile phone signals can analyze the different attacks and doubts in the wild party."Machines" for political investigation.

Although Wang Yichuan quickly explained afterwards, it was the use of the "mobile signaling data analysis method" to obtain the abortion characteristics analysis through mobile signals, which is the basic method of investigation of the business market.However, all localities, departmental agencies, and enterprises have stated that it is difficult to use mobile phone signals to analyze the age and political party tendencies, and doubt how Wang Yichuan obtains relevant information.

The Taiwan Legislative Yuan Transportation Committee will invite the Department of Portal, NCC, the Ministry of Legal Affairs, the Preparatory Office of the Personal Data Protection Committee and Chunghwa Telecom on June 3 to explain and prepare for inquiries.

According to the written report provided by NCC, the department has invited the three major telecommunications companies in Taiwan on Thursday (May 30) Chunghwa Telecom, Yuanchuan Telecom, and Taiwan Big Brother.All three companies say that there are no private enterprises, government agencies, or specific party members requesting relevant people flow information about Bluebird Action, nor have any flow information to other units or people.

NCC said that the mobile communications operator accepted the public application of the public, and it should be indeed provided in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law to collect, handle and use user personal information in specific purposes.

NCC said that the mobile communications industry will provide government agencies with information that is identified, and will not provide information that is sufficient to identify personal identity;The telecommunications data connected to a certain location base station, and identify it to ensure that specific personal data cannot be directly or indirectly identified.

NCC said that the current telecommunications industry will provide such telecommunications signaling big data application services. The objects are mainly government agencies to promote local development.

The written reports of Taiwan ’s portfolio says that" user numbers of the base station service "and" accounting, customer database "usually have different systems of telecommunications operators, even in different machine rooms, and have not been outside the outside world, and they are not outside the general public and the company can obtain the user number of the base station and the telecommunications business customer database at the same time to analyze the possibility of the age layer of the user's age.