The Investigation Bureau of the Taiwan Ministry of Justice swept eight mainland Chinese enterprises or offices operating illegally in Taiwan, and accused the mainland Apple supplier Lixun illegally operating in Taiwan, and tried to dig away local scientific and technological talents.

The Investigation Bureau of the Taiwan Ministry of Justice issued a press release on Thursday (May 30) stating that it is to strongly crack down on the stealing and digging of Taiwan's secret of Taiwan to effectively ensure the competitiveness of Taiwan's high -tech field.Cases of corporate excavation high -tech talents focus on cracking down and implement a series of investigations.

The Investigation Bureau said that from May 27th to 30th, five foreign doses were mobilized to report to the command and investigating office of Taipei, New Taipei, Taoyuan and Hsinchu Procuratorate to simultaneously sweep eight illegal land enterprises or enterprises orIn the office, investigating cases in Taiwan illegally engaged in high -tech talents in horn.

According to the press release, the eight land enterprises involved in the case include Shengtai Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd., Lixun Precision Industry Co., Ltd., Silicon Rui Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.Semiconductor (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., Hai Rou Innovation Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Wanzhong Technology Co., Ltd., Nanjing Chuoxin Integrated Integrated Circuit Design Co., Ltd.

The Investigation Bureau said that because of the suspected assistance of the human rights of the ethnic minorities of Xinjiang, the mainland monitor manufacturer of the mainland monitor of the arms industry by the US government and the blacklist of the arms industry, Zhejiang Dahua.Registered and have no signboard office.The Investigation Bureau also stated that Zhejiang Dahua secretly insured the company employees in another manpower dispatch company to avoid inspections. The procuratorate will clarify whether the company has stealing and flowing out of Taiwan's industrial secrets.

In addition, Silicon Technology, as Shanghai Silicon Rui Technology Co., Ltd. in Taiwan, has not been able to set up a private offices in Taiwan without the authority permitted by the competent authority, and digs away from Taiwan's semiconductor and chip R & D talents.The person in charge of Silicon Rui Technology was prosecuted in 2022, and this time, he re -filed the old industry in the name of the person in charge of the person in the same place, and was also seized by the Investigation Bureau.

The Investigation Bureau said that the relevant illegal behavior of land enterprises seriously affects the competitiveness of Taiwan's high -tech industry, and called on relevant land enterprises to work in Taiwan.The illegal behavior of stealing secrets to maintain the competitive advantage of Taiwan's high -tech industry.

According to Reuters, Taiwan prosecutors accused Lixun precisely stealing Taiwan's competitors to become technology secrets, and dug off their employees to win Apple orders.The Taiwan prosecutor said that the incident had sued 14 people involved.