Mainland China officially announced that starting from June 15, the tariff reduction of 134 products originally from Taiwan has been suspended.

The Chinese Ministry of Finance issued a announcement on Friday (May 31) issued the State Council Customs Tariffs Commission on the State Cross -Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) some products (second batch) tariff reduction.

According to the announcement, Taiwan's unilateral measures have taken discrimination and restrictions on the exports of mainland products to violate the provisions of the framework of economic cooperation between the Cross Straits.The State Council Customs Council Commission issued the Taxation Committee on December 21 last year that the Taxation Commission announced that some products (12) tariff reductions were reduced by the Strait Cross -Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement, but Taiwan has not taken any effective measures to cancel trade restrictions on the mainland.

According to the framework agreement between the Cross -Strait Economic Cooperation, the State Council Customs Council Commission decides to further stop the tariff reduction of some product tariffs on the cross -strait economic cooperation framework agreement.

The Customs Taxation of the State Council announced that from June 15th, 134 tax import products such as lubricating oil based on the attachments originally listed in the attachments of Taiwan, suspended the application of the Agreement Agreement on the Cross -Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Framework Agreement AgreementThe tax rate is implemented in accordance with the current relevant regulations.

After the Ministry of Commerce of China determined that Taiwan's trade restrictions on the mainland on December 15 last year, the trade barriers constituted a trade barrier, the Customs and Tariff Committee of the State Council of the State Council announced on December 21 again that the Strait Cross -Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA)Top 12 taxi products for the petrochemical industry.