It was announced that the official on Friday (May 31st) in Mainland China announced further to suspend some tariffs on some products originally from Taiwan.Essence

The Kuomintang issued a press release on Friday (May 31) stating that the Kuomintang's always stance is to support cross -strait economic and trade exchanges and cooperation, and believe that this can effectively enhance the well -being of the people's well -being and maintain the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.The retrogression and deterioration of cross -strait economic and trade relations are inconsistent with the Kuomintang."We feel regretful for the decisions made by mainland China."

The Kuomintang said that the long -term accumulation of cross -strait economic and trade has been accumulated in economic and trade.The measures have been heard since last year.Relevant industry and the Kuomintang have also reminded the DPP government to face seriously in order to respond to a strong impact on industrial revenue, but the government has always ignored it.

The Kuomintang called on Lai Qingde. Since it is claimed that they hope that the two sides of the strait can understand, understand, and reconcile towards peace and prosperity, then start with the economic and trade issues on both sides of the strait seriously.

The Ministry of Finance of the Chinese Ministry of Finance issued an announcement on Friday of the State Council Customs Taxation Commission, which states that from June 15th, 134 tax import products such as lubricating oil based on the attachment native to Taiwan will be suspended from applicable to the application.The tax rate of ECFA agreement shall be implemented in accordance with the current relevant regulations.This is the reduction of tariffs on some products on Taiwan since December 21 last year.

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the Mainland China later pointed out that ECFA was signed by both sides of the strait on the common political basis of the "1992 Consensus", but Lai Qingde stubbornly insisted on the "Taiwan independence" position and refused to recognize the "1992 Consensus".Promote the "Taiwan independence" split fallen fallacy, incite cross -strait opposition confrontation and economic "decaptering chain", severely damage the basis of cross -strait negotiations and the implementation of ECFA, and forced relevant mainland departments to further stop the tariffs of some ECFA products.The Ministry of Commerce of the Mainland also said that the incident was completely responsible for the DPP.