The latest polls of the Taiwan MAC show that 80.2%of the people interviewed by Taiwan support the restarting cross -strait tourism tourism. At the same time, 76.6%of the respondents did not agree that "Taiwan is part of China."

The polls announced on the official website on the official website on Thursday (May 30) showed that the people of Taiwan generally supported Taiwan's new president Lai Qingde's inauguration speech and resolutely opposed the "One China "framework, blocking Taiwan's participation in the World Health Organization activities and military threats.

According to the polls, 76.6%of the respondents did not agree that mainland China called "the mainland and Taiwan belong to the same China, and Taiwan is part of China.The mainland has long -term military threats, economic coercion, and breaking diplomatic relations with the diplomatic relations with Taiwan.

The polls show that 75.1%of the respondents support Lai Qingde that the new government will adhere to the "four persistence" and maintain the status quo;The legal government in Taiwan, under the principles of peer -to -peer and dignity, replaces confrontation and exchanges with dialogue.

The survey pointed out that 78.8%of the respondents did not agree that mainland China refers to Taiwan's unable to participate in the World Health Organization activities, because it refuses to reflect the "1992 consensus" of the "one China principle"; 87.9%of the respondents supportThe government advocates that the people of Taiwan have the right to enjoy the same health rights as all people in the world, and should not be excluded from the global health system such as the World Health Organization.

The polls also revealed that 80.2%of the respondents supported the restarting cross -strait tourism tourism, as well as Lu Sheng to go to Taiwan to school, and pursued peace and prosperity together.

The Taiwan MAC said that the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait requires the joint maintenance of Taiwan and mainland China. It will continue to promote cross -strait policies based on mainstream public opinion in Taiwan.

The Taiwan MAC also called on mainland China to stop all kinds of irrational actions on Taiwan, and experience the kindness released by Lai Qingde's inauguration speech, facing the "cross -strait do not belong to each other", and the people of Taiwan people treat democracy for democracy.The persistence of value and lifestyle can create conditions for the benign interaction between the two sides of the strait.

This survey is the MAC commissioned Yituso Market Research Company. From May 23 to 26, he visited adults over 20 years of age in Taiwan with a telephone.The sampling error is 2.99%positive and negative.