Zhu Lilun, the Kuomintang Chairman of Taiwan in the wild, has criticized President Lai Qingde to face the relationship between the Democratic Progressive Party from the perspective of the Democratic Progressive Party.The bill, destroying procedure justice, triggers more than 100,000 people to protest on the street. Zhu Lilun, as the largest party chairman of the Legislative Yuan, should be responsible for the current chaos.

After the Taiwan Legislative Court will be read on a third reading of the Legislative Yuan Reform Act of the Kuomintang and the People's Party Legislative Assembly, Zhu Lilun has been on Wednesday (May 29) that Lai Qingde has come to the 10th day since he took office. From the beginningAt the end, the interests of political parties exceeded the interests of Taiwan, and the interests of the DPP surpassed the interests of the people.

Comprehensive Taiwan Lianhe Daily Free Times and Central Radio reported that DPP spokesman Zhuo Guanting said on Thursday (May 30) that Blue and White joined forces to force the rough power expansion bill and confiscate the discussion of discussions.There is no substantial review, and forced the Legislative Yuan to take a lot of vulnerabilities in the major bill, which has led to the omissions of many courses and statistics. Even until the last moment of the three reading is still modified, it is obviously illegal. This is all black box operations.Discussion caused by the disadvantages.

He believes that after the Kuomintang's Korean Yu, after serving as the legislative director, he should have withdrawn from the party's operation.As a result, the Legislative Yuan passed the constitutional chaos in South Korea ’s hammer."In the emergence of the constitutional crisis, the Kuomintang should be the greatest responsibility."

Zhuo Guanting pointed out that Fu Kunzheng, the general call of the Kuomintang group, proposed that the "abolition of the supervisory court" and "the Republic of China should be a government with a three -powered government"However, Li Yanxiu, the chairman of the Kuomintang Cultural Conference, faced "the five -power separation is the long -term claim of the Kuomintang", and asked Zhu Lilun whether he recognized the abolition of the supervisory court. Did the Kuomintang listen to Fu Kunzheng or Zhu Lilun?

He said, Zhu Lilun has repeatedly hung "not trouble" on his mouth. As the largest party chairman of the Legislative Yuan, he repeatedly collided with the constitutional order of the "Republic of China", which caused more than 100,000 people to take the streets on the streets., Cause people's anxiety.

Zhuo Guanting emphasized that most of the Legislative Yuan is currently the Kuomintang, but Zhu Lilun is the most influential Kuomintang, but he has released Fu Kunzheng to destroy the constitutional government of the "Republic of China" and allow the Kuomintang's internal legislators to quantity with the volume and volume of the generals of the Kuomintang members.Personal political interests are on the interests of Taiwan, causing Taiwan's political atmosphere to be tense, and opposition continues to rise.

He said that when the DPP called on Zhu Lilun to participate in the World Health Conference in mainland China and launch a large -scale military exercise in mainland China, the court should work together to allow Taiwan to move forward in the correct direction.