The Taiwan Executive Yuan decided to relax the "forbidden group". The tour group planned before Saturday (June 1) can still go to mainland China. It is expected that the mainland can also show relatively goodwill and efforts.

According to the Taiwan Free Times report, the Taiwan Executive Yuan held a regular hospital on Thursday (May 30).The group went to land in land, and the Ministry of Communications originally announced that it was implemented until May 31 this year, but the consideration of a certain number of tour groups failed to go to land in time before the end of May.The planned tour group planned on the 1st can continue to be implemented.

The Tourism Department of the Ministry of Communications of Taiwan on February 7 In accordance with the development of tourism regulations on Development, it was required that the group was prohibited from traveling to the mainland.Tourists call on the government to lift the ban and restart the tourist exchange on both sides of the strait.

The spokesman of the Executive Yuan Chen Shikai said at the press conference after the meeting of the hospital. Zhuo Rongtai said at the meeting that in the future, the above -mentioned policies will be reviewed by rolling the situation to make the policy conform to the greatest interests of the whole people and the tourism industry.

Zhuo Rongtai also emphasized that the policies of Luke's visit to Taiwan have not changed. The two sides can first take the first step from restarting bilateral sightseeing tourism.Goodwill and efforts to contribute to peace and exchanges on both sides of the strait.