On the day of the end of the Military Show of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, on the day of the end of Friday (May 24), Sino -US diplomators held a second round of marine affairs consultations in a video manner.However, the two sides have rare consensus and only agree to maintain dialogue and communication, and they are still different on the issue of maritime security at sea.

The first round of China-US Marine Affairs was held in November last year in Beijing., the second round of consultations held on May 24, continued to be co -hosted by Mark Lambert, deputy assistant secretary of China and Taiwan Affairs, the head of the US State Council in charge of China and Taiwan Affairs,Essence

The US State Department and the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced the content of marine affairs negotiation talks on Monday (May 27) and Tuesday (28th) respectively.According to the press release of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Sino -US exchanges around the maritime situation and related to maritime issues, and agreed to maintain dialogue communication to avoid misunderstandings and misunderstandings, and control the risk of maritime.

The press release said that China expressed solemn concerns about the United States' infringement and provocations in the surrounding waters of China, urging the United States to effectively respect the sovereignty and marine rights and interests of the United States.Hua, don't destroy regional peace and stability.

China also emphasized that a Chinese principle is the political basis of Sino -US relations and an important foundation for the two parties to dialogue between the two sides; Taiwan independence is the biggest threat to destroying the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.To realize.

The US State Department spokesman issued a statement on Monday, saying that Friday's consultation was a follow -up meeting of last November. As part of the continuous efforts to maintain communication channels and manage US -China relations with responsibilities.The two sides discussed the current situation of the South China Sea and the East China Sea, as well as other maritime issues.

The statement states that the United States pays attention to the behavior of Beijing's hazards and stability, and interfere with the freedom of the freedom of navigation in other countries.The United States has also reiterated its commitment to allies as well as rocks and firm support for maintaining international marine law.The United States has also reiterated the importance of maintaining the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait and in depth of the people's Liberation Army's joint military exercises around the Taiwan Strait with the Taiwan Strait.

Li Mingjiang, an associate professor of Rajernan International Relations College of Nanyang University of Technology in Singapore, analyzed in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post. Unlike the tension of Taiwan Strait, the former Speaker of the US House of Representatives Perlis in August the previous year.Lai Qingde's cross-strait policy statement, Promote the theory of the two countries .From the perspective of mainland China, I am afraid there is no enough reason to cancel bilateral dialogue with the United States.

However, Li Mingjiang also pointed out that the mainland still believes that Lai Qingde delivered 520 presidential inauguration speech under the acquiescence of the United States.The United States has insufficient pressure on the DPP government, and is equivalent to intentionally playing Taiwan cards to create problems for Beijing. Therefore, Beijing hopes to hit the United States on the issue of Taiwan through marine affairs consultations.

In response to the US State Department's expression of military exercises on the PLA in Taiwan, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mao Ning said on Tuesday that the United States had no right to say three and four, and said that the PLA military exercise was a resolute punishment for Lai Qingde's 520 speech.Forces to condonate the severe warnings of Taiwan independence and interference in China's internal affairs.

Mao Ning also criticized the United States regardless of Beijing's resolute opposition. He sent a delegation to attend the inauguration ceremony of Lai Qingde. US Secretary of State Brosky issued a statement that he had a serious wrong signal to Taiwan's independence forces.

Li Mingjiang expects that the holding of marine affairs consultations means that the PLA military exercise does not affect the continued military communication between China and the United States.REL = "NOFOLLOW" target = "_ Blank"> China -US Defense Minister's meeting in Singapore is expected to be affected this week. .