The Taiwan industry is rumored, and Huang Renxun, CEO of Nvidia, visited Taiwan again and will meet with Taiwan Lai Qingde.In response to the Presidential Palace, there was no Huang Renxun's visit to the Presidential Palace.

Huang Renxun took a special plane with his wife. On Sunday (May 26), he entered Taiwan. Many people at the scene witnessed and shouted: "AI Godfather is here!", And took up his mobile phone to take pictures.Huang Renxun also visited Taiwan in January this year.

The Taiwan Economic Daily reported that Nvidia has not yet responded to whether Huang Renxun's visit to Taiwan will meet with Lai Qingde.The Presidential Palace stated low -key that there is no Huang Renxun's visit to the Presidential Palace, nor does it arrange related arrangements for Lai Qingde to Nvidia.

The report quoted people familiar with the matter that Lai Qingde's vision was the same as Huang Renxun's expectations.

赖清德曾在就职演说中强调,台湾要站稳全球供应链的关键地位,好好把握地缘政治变化所带来的商机,发展五大信赖产业,即半导体、人工智慧、军工、Security control, and the next generation of communication.

Lai Qingde said that in the face of the global intelligence challenges, Taiwan stands on the basis of semiconductor chip Silicon Island and will fully promote Taiwan to become an artificial intelligence island, promote artificial intelligence industrialization, accelerate artificial intelligence's innovationApplications and let the industrial artificial intelligence, "use artificial intelligence's computing power to enhance national strength, military, manpower, and economic power."

He also said: "Now in Taiwan, mastering the advanced process technology of semiconductor and standing at the center of the AI ​​Revolution is the key to the" global democratic supply chain ", which affects the development of world economic development, and the happiness and happiness of human life.Prosperity.