A numberThe famous people gathered to protest the amendments to the Legislative Yuan in the wild camp.

Comprehensive Taiwan China Times Freedom Times and ETTODAY News reported that the Taiwan Legislative Yuan was renewed on Tuesday (May 28) to renew the reform of the Legislative Yuan's reform proposed by the Nationalist Party and the People's Party.The Kuomintang has vowed to complete the three -reading procedure today.

The Kuomintang wants to investigate the Democratic Progressive Party's disadvantages through strengthening the hearing investigation.

The outbreak of the opposition and the opposition parties in the negotiations broke out, and multiple citizen groups were gathered outside the court.More than 50 groups including the Taiwan Citizen Front, the economic democratic connection and the referendum to protect the Taiwan alliance, and once again launched the "Congress Disdoor Power and the Real Estate Collection" protest.

Although there were heavy rain on Tuesday in many places in Taiwan, many people gathered outside the Legislative Yuan in the early morning, and many people came to the scene wearing raincoats.After the sun was clear at 1 pm, the crowd began to influx, and the organizer claimed that more than 5,000 people arrived, and the sunflower and perfume lily were also distributed to the protesters.

The Taiwan Human Rights Promotion Association said that this is a resistance movement to defend everyone's basic human rights. Each citizen has autonomously arrived in the Legislative Yuan from various places to defend the value of freedom and democracy in Taiwan.

The citizen supervision of the parliamentary alliance does not name the "these people" using the news of "these people" to use it, and the semi -true and semi -false news, which is the biggest challenge to the protest.There is a voice saying that this operation was mobilized by the DPP to mobilize "complete logical errors". Instead, it was mobilized by the Kuomintang and the People's Party. "Because they are bad, we stand up."

It is reported that 15 counties and cities in Taiwan responded to the "528 Bluebird Action of Taiwan".Outdoor democratic classes were held in the former square of the Taichung City Government; a sidewalk from the Caotun Town Performing Arts Center in Nantou, and there were also protests in the county councils, county libraries, and outside the art museum.

The demands of the civil regiment include: the reform of the Legislative Yuan should not undermine the separation of power or infringe the rights and interests of the people; the relevant amendments should be returned to the three laws of the Legislative Yuan.The proposals of each party should be discussed in essence; stopping the abuse of the second reading, blocking proposal, and the motion of the meeting; no discussion, not democracy; the reservation of the whole case is equivalent to not reviewing.