In response to the expression of the United States State Department's performance of the Chinese PLA in the Taiwan Navy, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mainland China emphasized that the Taiwan issue cannot interfere with any external forces, and urges the United States to recognize that Taiwan independence will bring the Taiwan Strait peaceful stability and Sino -US relations.Serious harm and huge risks.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China Mao Ning on Tuesday (May 28) stated at a regular press conference that the Taiwan issue is purely in the Chinese internal affairs and cannot interfere with any external forces. The United States has no right to say three.

Mao Ning criticized Lai Qingde 520 for a complete "Taiwan independence", which fully exposed the nature of "Taiwan independence workers".Facts have once again proved that the current most dangerous changes in the current status of the Taiwan Strait and the most important destruction of the peace of the Taiwan Strait is the split behavior of Taiwan independence and the indulgence of external forces led by the United States.

She emphasized that the military exercises in mainland China in Taiwan are the justice of defending national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Mao Ning criticized the United States to resolutely oppose the United States, sending groups to attend the 520s inauguration ceremony of Lai Qingde, and US Secretary of State Brillings issued a statement to He Lai Qingde's mistakes.It is even wrong.

Mao Ning urged the United States to recognize the nature and ambitions of Taiwan's independence forces, recognize the Taiwan independence forces to "serious harm and huge risks brought by the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait and Sino -US relations", and effectively adhere to a Chinese principle and China and the United StatesThree joint communiqués stopped in any way to cheer up for Taiwan independence forces.

She reiterated that the determination of Chinese sovereignty to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity is unswerving, and the determination to oppose external forces to interfere with China's internal affairs is unswerving.Taiwan independence is a dead end, supporting Taiwan independence will definitely play on fire.Any mistakes that try to challenge a Chinese principle will end in failure.

On the same day of the last Friday (May 24) of the PLA Army in Mainland China, China and the United States held a second round of marine affairs negotiations.According to the US State Department, the United States reiterates the importance of maintaining peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait, and has profound concern for the joint military exercises held by the People's Liberation Army of the mainland of the Chinese mainland and around Taiwan.

The statement of mainland China said that Taiwan independence is the biggest threat to destroying the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.The United States should immediately stop supporting the indulgence of Taiwan independence forces and implement the commitment that does not support Taiwan independence.