Taiwan ’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Sunday (May 26) criticized mainland China for military pressure and publishing various scary remarks in an attempt to interfere with Taiwan’ s democratic process, and call on the mainland to restart the exchange dialogue in the mode of dignity.

The Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on the official website of the official website that thanks to the United States for conducting military operations against mainland China in Taiwan again, expressing solemn concerns and reiteration of security commitments to Taiwan.

The State Department of the United States issued a statement on Saturday (25th) that the United States has profoundly concerned about the siege army in mainland China and called on mainland China to maintain restraint.

U.S. President Biden also emphasized in a public speech on Saturday that the United States firmly maintains the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.

The Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs said: "At the moment when democracy is facing challenges, the concepts are similar to allies in unison requesting China (Mainland) to be rational and self -control, and stop coercing Taiwan and any behavior of destroying the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.The prosperity and development of the region is crucial.In an attempt to openly intervene in the process of democracy in Taiwan, the situation will not be able to obtain the recognition of the international community, which will stimulate the high concern of the countries in mainland China as a provocative and destroying the status quo.

The Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs also called on the mainland to restart the conversation and dialogue between the two sides in a peer -to -peer dignity, and is committed to jointly maintaining the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.