Taiwan Lai Qingde issued a statement to support the demonstrators who were dissatisfied with the wild camp outside the Legislative Yuan. The Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun criticized Lai Qingde from Taiwan's interests and the height of the president.

Comprehensive Taiwan One Ping News Network and United Daily reports, Zhu Lilun told reporters at a event on Saturday (May 25) that Lai Qingde's post was regrettable and said that he only saw the DPPThe chairman Lai Qingde did not see President Lai Qingde. From beginning to end, he started from the interests of the DPP.

Zhu Lilun also called on Lai Qingde: "You are the president of the Republic of China, don't find an enemy from the Chinese."

Tens of thousands of people protested, accusing the Blue (Kuomintang) Bai (People's Party) camp passed the bill with black box operations.

Lai Qingde posted on Facebook on Saturday (May 25) that there were thousands of people outside the Legislative Yuan showing the power of civil society again.Many citizens gathered in all parts of Taiwan and stood up to speak.

He said: "We all have the same belief: the operation of the Legislative Yuan should abide by procedure justice. When the Legislative Yuan reviews the bill, different opinions should be fully discussed instead of continuously through most votes through most votes.Forcibly voting, confiscating the Legislative Yuan's discussion on the bill.The Legislative Yuan should pay attention to these voices and restore normal operation as soon as possible so that Taiwan can continue to move forward.

He also said: "I want to thank every friend who stands up today, the hard work of the DPP legislators and colleagues of the party group, and we jointly defend Taiwan's democratic value."

The Chairman of the People's Party, Ke Wenzhe, posted on Facebook on the 24th that the Democratic Progressive Party legislators currently choose to fight for the fight. As a ruling party, they mobilize the masses, so even if it is not for the advice of Lai Qingde, "it is definitely the result of" acquiescence "below"" ".