On the occasion of reviewing the authority of the Legislative Yuan in the Taiwan Legislative Yuan, the Democratic Progressive Party was called Ke Jianming that the Legislative Yuan could not never be able to communicate.Sit down and talk about the rules of the game.

Although there are tens of thousands of people who put pressure on the Legislative Yuan, the DPP legislators are fully creampie, and the Taiwan Legislative Yuan is still on Friday (May 24).The second reading passed the draft amendments to the law of the Law of the Legislative Yuan, adding a regulation of hearing rights. If government officials were a hypocritical statement, they would complain to criminal responsibility in accordance with the law.The remaining articles will be renewed next Tuesday (May 28).

Ke Jianming posted on Facebook in the early morning of Saturday (May 25) that the Legislative Yuan was under the jurisdiction of the long arms of mainland China.Tsunami to prevent blue and white from selling platforms. "

Comprehensive Taiwan China Times and the Central News Agency reported that Ke Jianming said in a media interview on Saturday morning that he finally saw the legislative court quiet on the weekend, and next Tuesday was the rain and wind full of winds.Democracy can be achieved.

Ke Jianming said that when the procedures for the meeting on Friday to late at night, there were more than 10 amendments including the Criminal Law and the Legislative Court and Deputy Dean Election Measures.Do not pass by the party group. Called down and think about whether such behavior is selling Taiwan's interests.

Ke Jianming believes that everyone must talk about it and formulate a game rules that Taiwan's democracy will continue, and the Legislative Yuan cannot never have no peace.

The Kuomintang and the People's Party in Taiwan jointly proposed the reform bill to promote the normalization of the presidential national conditions report and the controversial "crime of contempt for Congress", in order to give the legislators that have greater supervision of the government.The two parties in the court broke out in the Legislative Yuan twice on May 17th and 24th. Many legislators were injured and sent to the hospital.