Lai Qingde, Taiwan's new president, Inauguration , it is clear that the Taiwan Strait is not affiliated with each other.The two senior cross -strait relations researchers believe that Lai Qingde's speech has allowed mainland China to completely "lose fantasy and prepare for struggle" in mainland China.

The School of Foreign Languages ​​of Foreign Languages ​​of Foreign Languages ​​in Taiwan and East Asia Research Center held a lecture on "Cross -Strait and East Asia International Situation" of the "after the launch of Lai Qingde" on Wednesday (May 22).The honorary professor Qiu Kunxuan and Tan, the two were deeply pessimistic about the future of the two sides of the strait, and made the above representation.

Zhao Chunshan has participated in the preparations of the 2015 "Xi Jockey Club" in Singapore (Chinese President of Mainland China and former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou). He also ran for the former Tsai Ing -wen in 2016.Please ask him for cross -strait relations.

But after Zhao Chunshan saw Lai Qingde's inauguration speech on May 20, he described himself to study cross -strait relations and was fast. He was never so panicked."" ".

Qiu Kunxuan, who accompanied Ma Ying-jeou to visit the mainland twice, pointed out that in April this year, " Xi Ma Second Society ", Chinese official interpretationA very important message, put forward the concept of the Chinese nation: as long as you agree with the two sides of the strait, it is fine, and it is okay not to mention the "1992 consensus".

But Lai Qingde's conversation not only "can't smell a little bit of the two sides of the strait", but also tries to cut off the connection between Taiwan and the entire China in the aspects of nation, culture and history.This will fall into a conflict between civilization, and the two sides of the strait will become non -ethnic -like categories. Its struggle will be different. "Any war involves a civilized conflict, which is terrible."

Qiu Kunxuan said, Continent It has already qualitatively and positioned it before Lai Qingde 520.A pragmatic Taiwan independence worker and troublemaker.Despite being mentally prepared, it was not expected that Lai Qingde said so clearly that "the two sides of the strait are not affiliated with each other", which is the "theory of the two countries."The mainland has fully launched the Attack .

After Lai Qingde made a speech, the United States "welcome" Lai Qingde mentioned to maintain the peace and stability and status quo of the Taiwan Strait, reiterate that a Chinese policy has not changed, the United States does not support Taiwan's independence, and the status quo is opposed to any one -sided face on both sides of the strait.The United States hopes to solve cross -strait disagreement peacefully on the way of cross -strait people's acceptance, but avoid talking about cross -strait parts without belonging to each other.

Qiu Kunxuan believes that before 520, the United States has shuttled on both sides of the strait many times, and the content of Lai Qingde's speech was absolutely acquiesced beforehand.He said that from the United States' Taiwan policy to Taiwan's military sales and passport exemptions, it is to regard Taiwan as a political entity that has not built diplomatic relations and push the United Nations 2758 decision internationally.

Zhao Chunshan also said that Rosenberg, chairman of the United States Association (AIT), came to Taiwan several times in advance, and should theoretically know.Regardless of the tortuous process of Lai Qingde's speech, the United States expressed "welcome" through AIT afterwards. No wonder Liu Guohen, director of the peaceful development of cross -strait relations between Xiamen University Cross -Strait Relations, said that Lai Qingde's inaugural speech "is full of Americans' calculations behind Americans."