"Practical Taiwan Independence" Lai Qingde May 20th, May 20thThe new office is in Taiwan, but the opening is not so peaceful.

First of all, his inaugural speech is generally regarded as a strong confrontation, attracting the bombardment of the opposite shore. Many scholars point out that the Taiwan Strait will be unpredictable.

Furthermore, there is also the flavor of the smell of gunpowder in Taiwan: last week (May 17), the legislators of the court first (May 17), first fierce limb conflict for the revision of the law in the Legislative Yuan.The scene is reminiscent of the Sunflower Student Games 10 years ago, which has attracted widespread attention from international media.

Lai Qingde emphasized in the inauguration speech that the political parties should also have a belief in cooperation in addition to competition. For the current "three parties in the three parties" of the Legislative Yuan, he urged him to follow the procedure justice.Only by obeying the majority can avoid conflicts and maintain social stability and harmony.

The Legislative Yuan reopened the next day (May 21). Although the legislators did not fight again, the behavior of confrontation and obstacles to the negotiations continued.Gathering and solidarity.

Lai Qingde was elected with 40 % of the troupeners in the triangle war presidential election held on January 13 this year. The DPP led by the DPP lost over half of the Legislative Yuan's advantages.As the disadvantaged government with the support of the president and the seat of the Legislative Yuan of the ruling party, some people predicted that he would face the challenge of internal and external difficulties in the next four years.As a result, before sitting down, the inside had begun to tear.

What are the Taiwan Legislative Yuan?

The two seats with the majority of the Taiwan Legislative Yuan -the Kuomintang and the People's Party.Essence

There are five parts of the practice, including the normalization of the president's national conditions, the right to investigate the investigation and hearing of the legislative court, the crime of contempt for Congress, strengthening the right to personnel consent, and the voting system of the deputy dean.

The so -called presidential national conditions report is normalized, that is, Taiwan is required to go to the Legislative Yuan to publish the "National Love Counseling" every year, and inquire and provide the required documents to the Legislative Yuan.Yes, when the legislators asked verbal questions, the president had to answer immediately.

None of the presidents of Taiwan had not been in the Legislative Yuan to conduct a national conditions report, but Lai Qingde agreed to do so during the election to allow the people to understand the president's administration, thinking, and claims.What is controversial is whether the president has to accept the legislator's inquiry and answer.The Democratic Progressive Party's Legislative Yuan Call for Ke Jianming on Wednesday (May 22) was criticized in an interview with online programs to criticize the president of the Ward Party Repair Law as "unconstitutional" and to be explained.Is the hypocritical statement caught in eight years?, Do not "anti -inquiry".In the case of hiding information, hypocritical answers, or other actors who despise Congress, the hospital decided to be transferred to impeachment or punishment, including a penalty of 20,000 yuan (NT $, the same, 835 yuan) or lessCriminal responsibility in accordance with the law.

In addition, the Taiwan Legislative Yuan's important officials of some important officials nominated by the president were originally appointed as an unknown voting, and the revision law was renamed with a recorded voting.When the nominated person faced the legislator's review, the response was false, hidden information, or provided hypocritical information, and the hospital decided that he had a penalty of 20,000 yuan and more than 200,000 yuan.

When the Legislative Yuan exercises the right to investigate, it may be required that government agencies, troops, legal persons, groups, or related personnel in the society provide relevant information.100,000 yuan penalty.

So, the Taiwan Legislative Yuan Chao -Legislative Council on Tuesday (May 21) noise to nearly midnight, and only passed some amendments. It is expected that the renewal and reform related bills will be renewed on May 24th and 28th.

The seat determines the head

On the surface, these amendments are very "normal": officials to give a false response when they come to the Legislative Council for inquiries, aren't it for granted?IntersectionIsn't the Legislative Yuan strengthening the government, isn't it the operation of democracy?

But the Democratic Progressive Party's legislators accused the opposition of the opposition and forcibly passed the law to revise the law without fully negotiating and discussed. The Kuomintang legislators insisted that they had complied with all legal procedures.

In addition to the dispute between procedural justice, the Political figures and supporters of the DPP also believe that the number of people in the Legislative Yuan is the "selling Taiwan" who is raped with mainland China.Legislative power, suppressing administrative power, trying to limit and weaken the power and responsibilities of the Lai Qingde government.

Legislative procedures violate the allegations of democracy, coupled with "reding" -really hard to remind people of the Sunflower Study Movement.

A large number of supporters of Green Camp 5 5On the 21st, he gathered outside the Legislative Yuan, and supported the DPP legislators in the Legislative Yuan to oppose the actions of the Fang Party to amend the law.(Bloomberg)

In fact, the DPP also mentioned the "Congress" when he was in the wild.Chen Zhizhen, director of the Party Legislative Yuan of the People's Party Legislative Yuan, reminded everyone on Facebook on Tuesday (May 21) that the DPP has proposed "Congress reform" since 2012, and advocates allowing the Legislative Yuan to have a complete supervision and investigation of hearing.It is said that this is for democracy and love Taiwan, but now the Kuomintang and the people's party who has criticized the "reform of Congress" in turn."We have to ask, is Cai Yingwen, Lin Jialong, Li Junzhen, and Ke Jianming of 2012?"

Lai Qingde emphasized that Taiwan is the Democratic World MVP (the most valuable player) in the 520, butAfter the Legislative Yuan performed all martial arts on May 17, Reuters reported that after the DPP was in power in 2020, it was tried to loosen the imports of American pork. At the time, the Kuomintang legislators threw pigs in the Legislative Yuan as an example to describe Taiwan describing Taiwan to describe TaiwanIt is "Rambunctious Democracy".

On the matter, the legislature is reform, or the American pork is imported, and even when Tsai Ing -wen promises to the ECFA (Cross -Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement) that will be revoked by a referendum in the future.Green, often the seat determines the head. When he is in the wild, when he goes on the stage, his position may be completely flipped. In turn, the same is true. From the outside world, the political noise is endless.

Zhu Yunhan, a late political scholar in Taiwan, and academician of the Central Research Institute, wrote an article in 2016. Who tamed the monster of the Taiwan Legislative Yuan?It is believed that one of the main roots of Taiwan's democratic system operation failure is the Legislative Yuan. On the one hand, the legislative performance and quality are extremely low, and on the other hand, it has unlimited its balanced power.Since the electronic media camera can enter the venue of the negotiations, in order to rush the ratings of the ratings and the emergencyYu Zuxiu's legislators have formed symbiotic relationships.

However, Tsai Ing -wen, who has just stepped down, was elected as president in 2016. The DPP, who came to power on stage, also obtained an overwhelming majority in the Legislative Yuan at the time.Although the "monster" in Professor Zhu Yunhan's mouth has not been tamed, it has also converged slightly. Now, as the two weeks of revision, "monsters" are reborn.