Former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou's step -down president was terminated.

Comprehensive China Shi Shi News Network and Yahoo News reported that Taiwan held a new presidential inauguration ceremony on Monday (May 20). At the same time, Ma Ying -jeou's step -down president's courtesy also expired.

Xiao Xucen, the executive chief executive of Ma Ying -jeou Foundation, said that after communicating with the Police Department, it was confirmed that the preparation of eight people will be adopted in the future and adopted a round of shift. Next, Ma Ying -jeou will attend public occasions.Police officer protection.

In addition to the special service of the special service, Ma Ying -jeou was also found to be a car from the previous Audi luxury cars to Honda Guliu Travel from the previous Audi luxury car.

The politeness of Taiwan's step -down president was originally a lifelong system, but after the third reading of the amendment to the regulations in 2011, it was officially changed to a few years of the term and vice presidential term.Ma Ying -jeou has been the eight -year president since 2008, stepped down in 2016, and is now just eight years.

According to the provisions of the regulations of the Vice President of the President of the President of the President, the polite measures enjoyed by the President of the President include invitation to participate in the ceremony, courtesy, health care, eight to 12 security guards, etc.Office and various transaction costs.