According to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on May 20, 2024, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and the Minister of Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended the meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Foreign Minister at Astana.The inauguration ceremony clarifies the solemn position of China, emphasizing that a Chinese principle is to maintain the peace of the Taiwan Strait.

Wang Yi pointed out that a Chinese principle cannot be contrary.There is only one China in the world, and Taiwan is part of China. This is historical and legal directors.No matter how the situation on the Taiwan island changes, this fact cannot be changed.Recently, many national politicians, including the member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and people from all walks of life densely issued a voice of justice that adhere to a Chinese principle, firmly support the cause of justice that China ’s anti -“ independence ”is promoting, and once again shows that the international community adheres to a Chinese principle that the principle of ChinaThe basic pattern cannot be shaken. Anyone attempts to challenge a Chinese principle will end in failure.Every time they make waves, the international community adheres to the consensus of China to consolidate one point, and the understanding and support of the Chinese position will be improved.This is the truth of getting more help and losing the way.

"Taiwan independence" split behavior is not feasible.In 1943, the Cairo Declaration and Potsdam in 1945 clearly stipulated that the Chinese territorial Taiwan stolen from Japan was returned to China. These documents with international law effect were part of the post -war order and a collective memory of the international community.The "Taiwan independence" split behavior constitutes the most serious challenge to the international order. The most dangerous change to the current status of the Taiwan Strait is also the most important destruction of the peace of Taiwan.A Chinese principle is the political basis and premise of China's relations with the relationship between countries in the world, and it is also the Dinghai God needle that maintains the peace of Taiwan.

The general trend of China is irreversible.The Chinese nation has a common belief that the country is inseparable, the country is uncomfortable, the nation's unsatisfactory, and the civilization is unbreakable. This is the inevitable history and the inner logic of China that will eventually be unified and unified. Taiwan's issue is China's internal affairs, realizing the complete unity of the country, a consistent requirement for all Chinese children, and a historical trend that no forces cannot stop.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs