CCTV News Client News, on May 20th, Chen Binhua, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, answered reporters.

Question : A few countries such as the United States have sent members to participate in the inauguration ceremony of Lai Qingde and congratulate Lai, and the DPP authorities expressed their gratitude.What are the spokesperson commented on this?

Answer : There is only one China in the world, and Taiwan is an inseparable part of China.A Chinese principle is the basic guidelines for international relations and the general consensus of the international community. It is the adherence and adherence to most countries in the world.We resolutely oppose the official exchanges of any form of diplomatic relations with the United States and other countries in Taiwan, and strongly condemn it to interfere in Taiwan's affairs in any way and any excuses.Urges the United States and related countries to immediately correct the mistakes, abide by a Chinese principle and serious political commitments to China, carefully handle Taiwan's issues, and stop sending an error signal to the "Taiwan independence" split forces.

The Democratic Progressive Party authorities have continuously carried out "independence" provocations to expand the so -called "international space". What they do is completely away from the mainstream public opinion on the island and harm the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.It must be pointed out that "Taiwan independence" is a dead end, and indulgence to support "Taiwan independence" is destined to fail.The DPP authorities' "leaning for independence" and external forces interference will only bring a serious scourge to the people of Taiwan. It cannot change the fact that Taiwan is part of China.Historical trend.