(Washington, DC) Naiden Lai Qingde was sworn in on Monday (May 20). US Secretary of State Brillings said that he looked forward to cooperating with Lai Qingde and Taiwan's political factions to maintain the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.

According to a press release issued by the US State Department on May 19, Eastern Time, Brincken congratulated Lai Qingde as the fifth election president in Taiwan, and also congratulated the people of Taiwan to show its strong and tenacious democratic system again.

Brinken said that the partnership between the people of the United States and Taiwan is rooted in democratic values, and the connection between trade, economy, culture, and civil exchanges has continued to expand and deepen.

Brinken also said that the United States praised Tsai Ing -wen who praised the post of presidential position and strengthened US -Taiwan relations during the past eight years.

Brinken finally stated that he looked forward to cooperating with Lai Qingde and various political factions in Taiwan, "promoting common interests and values, deepening our long -term unofficial relationships, and maintaining peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait."