In response to the content of the inauguration of Lai Qingde, Taiwan, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council of Mainland China criticized Lai Qingde to disregard public opinion, release the danger signal of "independence" to provoke and destroy the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait, and expose the nature of "Taiwan independence workers".

Chen Binhua, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of Mainland China on Monday (May 20), responded to Lai Qingde's speech.He said that the current situation of the Taiwan Strait is complicated and severe. The root cause is that the DPP insists on the separation of Taiwan independence and refuses to acknowledge the 1992 consensus that reflects the principle of China.

Chen Binhua commented on Lai Qingde's inauguration speech "stubbornly adheres to the independence of the Taiwan, promotes the split fallen fallacy, incite the cross -strait opposition and confrontation, and tries to" lean on the independence of the outside world ', "with the martial arts alone'".

He said, not to fight peace, do not decline, communicate without separation, and cooperate without confrontation. It is the mainstream public opinion in Taiwan.He criticized Lai Qingde to "disregard public opinion and move against the current, released the dangerous signal of" independence 'provocation and destroying the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait, and fully exposed the nature of its' Taiwan independence workers'. "

Chen Binhua reiterated that the mainland and Taiwan belong to the same China. Taiwan is an inseparable part of China.

He emphasized that the ability to solve the problem of Taiwan in mainland China and complete the national unity of the country is as firm as a rock, maintaining national sovereignty and territorial integrity.For any form of Taiwan independence division actions, it will never tolerate and never tolerate.

Chen Binhua said that no matter how the situation in Taiwan changes, no matter who is in power, it cannot change the fact that both sides of the strait belong to the same China, and the basic pattern and development direction of cross -strait relations cannot be changed.Essence

He said that mainland China will fully implement the overall strategy of solving the Taiwan problem in the new era, and will not shaken a Chinese principle and the 1992 consensus, unite the people of Taiwan, and strive to promote the peaceful development of cross -strait relations and integrate the integration of cross -strait relations.Development and unswervingly promote the great cause of the motherland.

Lai Qingde reiterated the "four persistence" of the Cai Yingwen government in his inauguration, and quoted the Constitution of the Republic of China, emphasizing that cross -strait is not affiliated with each other.He also called on mainland China to stop attacking Taiwan ’s scams, facing the facts of the existence of the existence of the" Republic of China ", to come up with sincerity, and cooperate with the legal government of Taiwan's election in the principle of equal and dignity.

Wang Wenbin, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mainland China, also responded to this: "'' Taiwan independence 'is one dead end, no matter what guise and banner of the implementation of' Taiwan independence '."