South American Paraguay elected president Santiago Pana) Arrive in Taiwan for an interview. He said that in the next five years, Paraguay and Taiwan can cooperate more closely.

Comprehensive Taiwan Newspaper United Daily and Free Times reported that Pena's visit to Taiwan was invited by the Taiwan government to arrive at Taiwan Taoyuan Airport at 4 pm on Tuesday (July 11).

The members of the visiting group led by Pena include, Mrs. Pena and daughter, as well as Pena's governing team, including the Foreign Minister Ramirez, the Secretary -General of the Presidential Palace, Himei NaineSilk, the Minister of Finance, Fifan Dez, and the Minister of Industry and Commerce Ximeneus, and Taiwan Foreign Minister Wu Zhaoxi went to the airport to pick up the plane. Pena also gave a brief conversation.

Pena said that the last visit to Taiwan was a young student. At that time, he was to learn about Taiwanese culture and beauty. He was glad that after 24 years, he could come to his wife, daughter, and his economic team.Taiwan, this time he brings his own economic team, hopes that the relationship between the two parties can be closer.

He said that he would use the five days of staying to communicate with the relevant departments of the Taiwan government, and Wednesday (12th) was also the 66th anniversary of the Taiwan -Pakistan to build diplomatic relations.Significance.Pena believes that in the next five years, the two sides can cooperate more closely.

Pena said that he will meet with Taiwan Tsai Ing -wen and Vice President Lai Qingde and exchange opinions on cooperation and common concern.He will also meet with Wu Zhaozheng and Minister of Economy Wang Meihua and Minister of Health and Welfare Xue Ruiyuan.

According to the press release of the Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Pena will also visit the Taiwan University of Science and Technology and the Taiwan World Observatory, and hold an industrial symposium and visit the economic construction cultural facilities.

A spokesman for the Taiwanese government, Lin Yan Chan, said that Taiwan and Paraguay have long been closely exchanged in science and technology, medical care, economy, trade, education, and agriculture.Taiwan's international participation.

Aiming at Pena's visit to Taiwan, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mao Ning said at a regular press conference on July 10: "The Government of the People's Republic of China is the only legal government representing the whole China.The inseparable part. We believe that sooner or later, the country will recognize the international trend and make a decision in line with the historical trend. "

Paraguay held the presidential election in April this year.The candidate Pena, who has the position, was elected. After being elected, Pena stated that he would continue to maintain the friendship with Taiwan for nearly 70 years.In this election, the candidate, Erigre, who won the second votes, had questioned that the establishment of diplomatic relations with Taiwan caused Paraguay to lose the huge economic interests of selling soybeans and beef to mainland China.Create diplomatic relations with mainland China.