Ke Wenzhe, a presidential candidate for the Taiwanese party, said that he was "afraid that Hon Hai's founder Guo Taiming proposed the merger and acquisition of the people's party.

According to the Taiwan Central News Agency, Ke Wenzhe talked about issues such as the 2024 Taiwan election and election planning in an exclusive interview with Fengcan Media Network program on Monday (July 10).

In response to Guo Taiming's threatening to merge the people's party, Ke Wenzhe said that he dare not go to Guo Taiming, Guo Taiming called, and he dared not answer it;"I was scared when I saw it, I was afraid that I dare not answer the phone."

But Ke Wenzhe also said that Guo Taiming has a lot of strategies. He is prioritized for mergers and acquisitions of the Kuomintang. The second option is the M & A party party, and the third is the independent election of the president.He believes that this strategy is business -like, but "it is too strange in politics."

Ke Wenzhe also evaluated the Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Youyi in the interview, saying "he is really not ready."Ke Wenzhe mentioned his visit to the United States and read a month before he said.

For the candidate of the executive dean after being elected president, Ke Wenzhe said that he prefers the business people and thinks that Lin Xinyi, deputy dean of the former Executive Yuan, can use the spirit of the enterprise to lead the government;Most of the long -term and presidents are from the law department. He believes that he should not find scholars and should find people in the business community.

Hou Youyi also expressed his thoughts on Guo Taiming when he attended an event in a Taiwanese game company in June.He said at the time that politics was not the same as shopping malls. Of course, politics had a secular side, but there was an ideal side. If the party cooperated with mergers and acquisitions, "Oh my god, this is scared to hear everyone."