(Taipei Comprehensive News) Lai Qingde, the current vice president of Taiwan and the President of the DPP, said on Monday that the Taiwan election next year is the choice of Zhongnanhai and the White House. "If Taiwan can enter the White House, the political goals we are pursuing areIt was reached. "

According to the Taiwan United Daily report, Lai Qingde met on Monday (July 10) at the DPP Central Party Department.Choose, whether in the face of the Kuomintang or the Communist Party, the direction is entered the world and the future.

Lai Qingde said, "Taiwan does not give up to continue to enter the world and facing the White House. This is our commitment to regret Taiwanese society."He said that under the leadership of Cai Yingwen, "we are close to the White House", and Taiwan will continue in this direction in the future; although I do n’t know when to reach the White House, this direction will never change.This is the long -term goal of Taiwan.

He said that from Li Denghui, Chen Shui -bian, and Tsai Ing -wen, the three presidents of the presidents one after another, continued to him, and even the later president will continue on this road. "When Taiwan can enter the White House, our office can be entered.The pursuit of political goals have been achieved. "

Hou Youyi, a Kuomintang candidate in the wild, first stated on July 3 that after "accepting the 1992 consensus that accepts the Constitution of the Republic of China", this is the second time Lai Qingde issued a pro -Mei Yuanzhong's statement within a week.He posted a post on Wall Street on Wednesday (July 5th), and proposed to continue Taiwan ’s Tsai Ing -wen’ s defense transformation plan and reduce measures such as economic dependence on mainland China.

BBC Chinese website quoted the analysis of Weng Luzhong, an associate professor of the Department of Political Department of Sam Houston State University, Texas, saying that the United States attaches the most importance to national defense in the Taiwan policy.Many people can recognize many people.

The Taiwan government is also continuously practicing the strengthening of the army.The Ministry of Defense of Taiwan announced on Tuesday (July 11) that Hanyuang 39 exercises will be held from July 24th to 28th.According to the press release of the Ministry of Defense of Taiwan, the exercise focused on strengthening the counter -CCP's military threats and referring to the experience of the Russian and Ukraine war, and continued to advance to the Taiwan Army's joint defense combat strength.

Reuters reports that the Taiwan Army will first acquire two major civil airports for the first time: Taoyuan International Airport and Taitung Fengnian Airport, and will be trained to keep the maritime passage unobstructed when blocking in mainland China.It is reported that Taoyuan Airport is the most important air connection channel in Taiwan and other parts of the world. The Taiwan army will conduct anti -airborne exercises at the airport to prevent air strikes from paratroopers and helicopters at the airport.The Taiwan Army fighter jets will also take off and land on the Fengnian Airport on the east coast of Taiwan to simulate the response mode when the runway of the Wars and Air Force Base is destroyed.

Lin Wenhuang, Director of the Joint Battle Division of the Fine Ministry of Defense and the Planning Staff of the Ministry of National Defense, explained on Tuesday that the exercise of Taoyuan Airport focuses on anti -airborne exercises and designed for the threat of the enemy;Take off, landing, and supplies to maintain air combat effectiveness.

Lin Wenhuang also said that the Taiwan Army will carry out saturated attacks and anti -blocking escort against enemy ships including amphibious attack ships at sea.