Huang Jianting, Secretary -General of the Kuomintang and Guo Taiming, founder of Hon Hai Group. Recently, whether Guo Taiming promised to nominate the failure, he served as the spare partition legislator.Guo Taiming quoted the story of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms on Tuesday (July 11), and did not name it to criticize and discredit the people who were in the middle to achieve their own purposes and make the fishermen profit.

According to Feng Media reports, Huang Jianting recently broke the news that Guo Taiming had agreed in March this year that if he did not obtain the Kuomintang's recruitment, he was willing to accept the first place in the notice of the Kuomintang not to distinguish the legislators.After the victory of the Kuomintang, he served as the Legislative Dean.

However, Guo Taiming's office refuted that Guo Taiming only considered the president and asked Huang Jianting to clarify his memory carefully.In response, Huang Jianting added Sunday (10th) again that this was the "Plan B" discussed with Guo Taiming, and the two not only discussed it once, but even talked about the ranking of no partition.Huang Jianting emphasized that Guo Taiming would keep his promise and cannot be willing to send the DPP presidential candidate Lai Qingde.

In this regard, Guo Taiming posted on Facebook late on Monday night. In the stories of Malaysia and Han Sui in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, it was indirectly referring to the stories of a modified letter.Fishermen are profitable, do not provoke a good victory.

Guo Taiming said that after the Kuomintang nominated the presidential candidate, he was still very concerned about the future of the "Republic of China" and the Kuomintang, because only the integration and unity of non -green camps could be removed from the DPPEssenceHowever, recently, the people who are interested are provoked, discredited, and distorted. This is obviously being hostile to the non -green camp. The fighting mussels will make the fisherman profit. He is worried and painful to this.

Guo Taiming emphasized that for the high -level Kuomintang, he has always been upright and sincere, without any complaints.At this moment, most of the public opinion is looking forward to the rotation of the party.He also called for unnecessary offensive and fabrication, and hoped that each other could work together, hoping to unite and understand each other, echo the public opinion, and work together to fight the DPP government that has accumulated deeply.

Guo Taiming has frequently moved recently and is regarded as an independent election of the 2024 presidential election.Chairman Zhu Lilun stepped down).General analysis believes that if Guo Taiming is independently run for the formation of a "four -legged governor" situation, Hou Youyi will be further margined and will be sent to Lai Qingde to be elected president.