The Taiwan government on Tuesday (July 11) through former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou invited 37 mainland Chinese students to visit Taiwan exchanges.

Comprehensive reports of Taiwan Central News Agency and Zhongshi News Network reported that the Immigration Department of the Taiwan Ministry of the Interior, together with the Ministry of Education and the MAC, decided to review the "Consortium legal person Ma Ying -jeou Culture and Education Foundation invited mainland students to visit Taiwan", after joint reviewThe decision will be decided to invite mainland teachers and students to visit Taiwan.

The Taiwan Immigration Department said that the youth exchange government on both sides of the strait has been optimistic. So far, there have been open land students, exchanging students and short -term trainees to Taiwan.In order to plan, to maintain campus tranquility and security, ensure healthy and orderly student communication, and promote the healthy interaction and peaceful development of cross -strait sides of the strait.

Relevant sources said that 37 students from five universities in mainland China are expected to arrive in Taiwan on July 15th and return to land on the 23rd. They plan to visit many schools such as the National Taiwan University and the University of Zhengda for exchanges.

According to the news released by the Ma Ying -jeou Foundation last month, the five mainland universities visited Taiwan include Peking University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, Wuhan University, and Hunan University.In addition to visiting Taiwanese universities, mainland students will also visit Sun Moon Lake, Dadaocheng, Taroko, Jiufen and other places to assist them in understanding the people of Taiwan.