Some netizens pointedIn the store distribution information of the luxury jewelry brand, in the store distribution information of the official website, the word "China" was not added before Taiwan.Bulgari apologized on the official Weibo that night that the above problem was immediately corrected due to negligence.The Chinese Official Media and People's Daily did not buy the above apology, and asked "apologize not to dedicate to mainland China."

Comprehensive news reports from China Sino -Singapore Finance and Interface, according to netizens, in the store distribution information of the Bulgari brand official website, under the Asian market, Taiwan, China, China Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Macau Macau Special SpecialsThe administrative division is tied at side, but the word "China" is added before Hong Kong and Macau, and the word "China" is not added before Taiwan.

The report also mentioned that there are differences in Bulgari domestic and overseas websites in national regions.After the "Delivery" in the lower right corner of the lower right corner of Bulgari Taiwan, the pages jumped out showed: mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and Macau SAR.

The official customer service of Bulgari said in response to the media inquiry, "For specific, please take a look at our official release. There is no related reply to you for the time being."

"BaoGeli's official website made Taiwan's related topics "on Weibo hot search on the same day, causing discussions and criticism of netizens.

Bulgari issued a statement on the official Weibo that night, saying that respecting China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, as always, is unwavering.

The statement explained that the brand's official website on the overseas official website was wrong due to the negligence of management negligence, and it was immediately corrected immediately after discovery.

The statement also said that Buliang sincerely thanked netizens for supervision and is linking third -party international service providers to ensure correctly marking relevant countries and regions on overseas official website.

However, the People's Daily published a micro -commenting that Bulgari's apology was "a few words, full of desire for life", but "management negligence" and "identification of mistakes" were difficult to convince.

Comment questioning, is this apology "specifically" in mainland China?How to rectify from the root?And emphasized that "the red line cannot be touched, the bottom line cannot be stepped on, the principle problem cannot be smashed, and China cannot be less at all."