In response to the replacement of the Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Youyi in the Kuomintang, Hou Youyi's campaign CEO Jin Xicong said that the people who can see the motivation behind are not simple, to manufacture differentiation.He also warned that if anyone violates the party discipline, he will punish it.

According to a report from Taiwan, Jin Jicong said on Tuesday (July 11) to accept the online program "Shaokang Line" and said that many people in the party demanded "change" is only a momentary riots.The Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun has clearly said that there will be no room for "changing". "Some people express that they are for the future of love the party and the future of the party, but in fact, the motivation behind is not just pure."

He also called on the party's personnel to be expensive. If the scene is ugly, it is to give the founder of Hon Hai Group Guo Taiming.

When the host of the show, Zhao Shaokang, the chairman of Zhongguang, asked about the motivation of the voice of "change", Jin Jicong pointed out that he was "differentiation for manufacturing" or an explanation to those who support them.Jin Yicong also named Zheng Liwen, a Kuomintang legislators, saying that she was nominated by former vice president Wu Dunyi. She had such a big action.

Jin Yicong also said that the party's speech was sent to the discipline meeting for handling. At present, there are reports that have received reports. The Party Central Committee has begun investigation. If it is found that there is a violation of the party's discipline, it will be punished.

Since Hou Youyi has been recruited for the president in May this year, the polls have continued to be sluggish, and the voice of "replacing Hou Youyi" (replacement of Hou Youyi and asking Zhu Lilun's step down) within the party continued.Some legislators in the party and the Standing Committee of the Central Standing Committee are also brewing the proposal to recruit Guo Taiming or former Kaohsiung Mayor South Korea Yu.

Among them, Zheng Liwen publicly asked Hou Youyi to replace Hou Youyi on Thursday (July 6).She believes that Hou Youyi has been called since the recruitment shows that he has not been prepared. "Now that it is not a crisis to not change, the Kuomintang people should not escape the responsibility, and do not lose all the burdens to Hou alone."